Page 9 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
P. 9
tribute by
We would like to first extend our gra tude to all Dad a ended their grandchildren’s milestone
rela ves, friends and a endees who have come celebra ons, including birthdays, gradua ons,
today to honor our Mom. We are gathered here school presenta ons and she brought the whole
today in memory of our mother Beatrice Afua world with her in her traveling bag, which some mes
Dadson, a person we have all come to love and included (food, clothes, toys, etc.). Mom knew all her
cherish; to share both our joy in the gi that her life children and grandchildren’s favorite foods; she
was to us and the pain that her passing has brought. would cook all these foods, freeze them and carry
The number of people who have commi ed to them in her luggage and when we say “we don't need
a ending and come from different places including these ”, she would respond with “yes you do ”. Mom
overseas, villages, ci es, to pay their last respects is a you were so right, being with her family was what
tes mony of the lives she personally touched. May Afua enjoyed the most of all. We have countless
we lessen the pain and remember more of her joy. home videos and pictures of her dancing with her
grandchildren, dad, laughing, cooking, encouraging
Mom passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, March etc.
22 2022 in Ghana and we wish we had more me to
spend with her together. While we know she is at If we were to ask you, what comes to mind when you
peace and that her struggles are at an end, there is think about our mom, what will you share? To us, she
s ll pain and sadness in our hearts. Even though she was our protector, comforter, encourager, provider,
is gone, she le us a great legacy of her love and the list con nues. Mom was a nurturer. When we
perseverance in the way she touched our lives and lived here, in Ghana she would take in anyone who
the lives of the people she encountered. was struggling in life, have the person live with us,
and teach them a trade to help them have a be er
Our mom has been loved and known by many, in life. And when we moved to the US, her profession
different roles – sister, wife, mom, grandmother, was a “Caretaker” either in Hospitals, or nursing
aunty, mentor, close-friend, etc. To many here at homes, and or private homes. Mom cared for all her
home in Ghana, she was popularly known as “Aunty pa ents, just like taking care of her own family. She
Bee The Hairdresser.” Mom was born in Takoradi, never met anyone or stranger that she did not like, to
Ghana. the extent that, other families looking for caretakers
would seek for her through word of mouth from the
Mom is survived by four children Nelly Duker (Grace families she influenced, all who ended up becoming
Wallace USA- Oldest), Sally Duker (Mrs. Debora part of our family. She invited and did host several
Anane USA - Second), Georgina Duker (Mrs. Joy weekend get togethers for our friends.
Abidoye – Third), and Mr. Emmanuel Duker – Last
born and her eight grandchildren in order (Joshua, On many occasions mom had to leave her home and
Abigail, Isabell, Jonathan, David, Eli, Iiam, Malika and the comfort of her family to live in different states in
baby Isla). Her role as mother and grandmother in order to help our father to provide for our family.
this family was her pride of joy and the most Mom’s life had many challenges, but her
important thing to her. Mom showed pride of her perseverance through adversity is from her
family every chance she got, either through social rela onship with God. Prayer meant everything to
media or when talking to her friends on the phone or her on behalf of the family. Our love for God is
in-person. For example, whenever she is on a call because of our mother's prayer and persistence in
with any of her friends and any of us happens to be showing us the importance of going to church and
around, she will just hand us the phone and beckon having a rela onship with God. Mom sent morning
us as usual “here, say something”, when most of the scriptures and encouraging words to anyone or most
me we will have NO knowledge who's on the other people in her phone contacts. She was an
side of the phone call un l we say hello. Her “Evangelist/Missionary”.
grandchildren meant everything to her in life. She
made all necessary arrangements to ensure she and