Page 10 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
P. 10

She  shared  God's  word  and  love  to  everyone  she   to LOVE. We Love you dearly – Mr. Kofi Duker.Knowing
        encountered. Mom had a way of making others feel      that Mom was able to spend  me with her family
        special,  no  ma er  their  status.  She  didn't  hold  a   before her death and the love she showed to all of us
        grudge, she's was the first to say, “I'm sorry”, and tried   will live on and be with us. It's our prayer that as you
        her best to make peace even when she didn't feel like   hear these words about our mother and her love for
        it. Our Mom had deep faith in God, that even on her   God that gave her strength every day to withstand the
        dying bed, God name never le  her mouth. This is a    la er days of her life; will give you hope and strength
        wonderful legacy and great example to follow; she     to be a blessing to others around you, faith to always
        reminds  us  all  to  keep  our  focus  on  what  is  truly   count  on  God  even  in  your  difficul es,  and  most
        important, not only when life is easy but also when it   importantly to seek God for yourself.
        is difficult.
                                                               We appreciate you all for coming, and we pray our
        Now we, would like to take this opportunity to thank      Mom's favorite Bible chapter over all of you,
        our Dad for looking a er mom extremely well when
        she  fell  ill.  A  good,  kind-hearted  husband  is  every          Psalm 40:1-3
        woman's  dream  because,  he  is  God  fearing,
        understanding,  though ul,  not  selfish,  forgiving,    I waited pa ently for the LORD; he turned to me
        provides, cooks, cleans, cares for their grandchildren,              and heard my cry.
        and is honest. Whenever Dad describes our mom to
        anyone, he uses the word “my be er-half”. Meaning,      He li ed me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud
        he knew mom was the be er half of him and will do      and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a
        anything or fight anyone to hold on to her.                           firm place to stand.

        Dad, here are a few words of apprecia on we would      He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise
        like to share with you:                                 to our God. Many will see and fear and put their
        1. Know that the love you showed towards mom while                   trust in the LORD.
        taking care of her gives us hope and comfort in our
        own marriages
        2. We knew Mom was in great hands, which, gave us
        peace knowing that we never have to worry about
        mom's  mental  health,  physical  health,  emo onal
        state,  because  you  were  her  best  companion,
        advocate, provider, doctor, chef, caretaker.
        3. Your uncondi onal love of perseverance towards
        mom  was  magical  to  watch,  which  kept  you  close
        together. As married couples we shared these words
        on  our  wedding  day  “in  sickness  and  in  health”
        without a thought un l we are faced with challenges.
        But you Dad, truly lived your vows to our mother for
        all of us to witness. We know marriage is not perfect,
        it has its ups and downs but anyone that knows you,
        knows how much you loved our mother. We, your
        children are forever grateful for teaching us this kind
        of Godly Agape love, not with just your words but with
        your ac ons every day even when you didn't feel like
        4. You are the best example of the husband we looked
        for and any women can 'dream of', the best father we
        can  always  rely  on,  the  best  grandfather  to  your
        grandchildren. Daddy, you give a whole new meaning

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