Page 8 - Backup_of_JANET VANDRPUIJE.cdr
P. 8

Maa  Jane,  we  will  miss  your         edge that we gave you the best of care,
                                                                         gentle  steps.  With  your  hands        love and life until the very end. You knew
                                                                         tucked  behind  you,  we  would          you were loved.
                                                                        stroll  along  together.  It  was
                                                                        always amusing how you would              Jane,  we  are  condent  that  you  are  in
                                                                        pretend not to hear us when we            heaven. But we have one question for you:
                                                                        bombard  you  with  questions,            Why did you dislike hospitals so much and
                                                                        only  to  ask  later  “Who  are  you      why were you so panicked at every visit to
                                                                        talking about?”.                          the doctor? Well, now the Master Doctor,
                                                                        You really loved dancing, and we          God, will be in charge when you go for a
                                                                        remember  your  dance  moves              check-up,  so  no  more  panicking,  dear
                                                                        with  particular  fondness.  As  the      mother.
                                                                        years went by, we tried so hard to        Maa (Hausa MMA), we miss you so much
                                                                        deter you from dancing so much.           already,  but  we  know  you  are  in  good
                                                                        We were worried that you were             company.
                                                                        now old and frail, but you never
          daughters. We were good friends, on rst-
                                                              saw yourself that way. You were young at              Give  our  love  especially  to  Daddy,
          name basis. You called us by our names              heart  and  nothing  could  stop  you  from
          and nicknames, and we called you Jane;              dancing.  How  we  wish  you  were  still                      Tello  and  Naa  Reizer.
          sometimes  Janet  Vanderpuije.  And  you                                                                 Yawo  ogba  Maa  kaashi  be  ni  woba
                                                              around to bust a move or two.                                         kpe  ekon.
          would respond in your usual cheeky style:
          "Mini ak3e" (what is it or, literally, what are     Maa, we are so grateful for the way you
          they saying?) We have indeed lost a true
                                                              raised us. You were never afraid to be our
          mother and a true friend. How we wish you           mother – to put your foot down, to teach us
          were here to share some banter with us!
                                                              right from wrong, to make sure we did our
                                                              best.  You  always  let  us  know  we  had  a
          Our mum was gentle yet feisty. Her DNA
                                                              mama who cared about us, who believed
          runs through us. Plainspoken, you always            in us and who would always be there for us.
          expressed what was on your mind and in              Janet Vanderpuije, we are glad to have
          your heart, without mincing words. We miss
                                                              had you as a mother for more than half a
          our little quarrels; those arguments we had         century.  At 93 years young, you are gone
          whenever we would say the truth just the            too soon. We were looking forward to your
          way we saw it. How we wish you were here
                                                              100th birthday,   because   we knew you
          for the little rapport!
                                                              could have easily made it. Our hearts are
                                                              broken, yet we are comforted in the knowl-
           IN LOVING MEMORY  6
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