Page 30 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
P. 30


                  From Mrs. Adoley Aidoo

                    “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

                                                                   ords alone cannot express the pain and
                                                                   emptiness  that  I  feel  in  this  moment  of
                                                          Wgrief. I was introduced to Sister Efe by Bro.
                                                          Ko, my husband’s cousin as his wife when I joined
                                                          my husband in Tema in 1984 and we became very
                                                          close friends. She was a big sister, friend, condant
                                                          and  prayer  warrior  partner.  Sister  Efe,  as  I
                                                          affectionately called her, was a devoted Christian
                                                          and a woman of God. She would always call to
                                                          share a word and sometimes send me devotional
                                                          messages  to  read  for  us  to  call  each  other  to
                                                          discuss. We prayed about a lot of things for the well-
                                                          being of our relatives and children. Sister Efe was
                                                          loving,  caring,  hardworking,  trustworthy,  humble
                                                          and concerned about the welfare of others. Her
                                                          kindness  was  not  limited  to  only  her  biological
                                                          children but to all. The virtuous or ideal woman in
                                                          proverbs 31 verses 10 to 31 perfectly described her,
                                                          because her generosity and sense of humor was
                                                          overwhelming. Hmmmm!!!!
                                                          Though we knew you were ill, we did not anticipate
                                                          it would lead to your death. I remember when we
                                                          last met at your place you asked Nana to let you
                                                          know  the  date  and  month  for  her  marriage
                                                          because you are going to be here till September.
                                                          The news of your demise therefore came as a shock
                                                          to us and will never be forgotten.

             Psalm 89:48 says “what man can live and never see death? Who can deliver his soul from the power
            of the grave?”. The almighty God has taken a decision that will  work together for the good of them
            that love the Lord. So even in the midst of great pain, sorrow and loss, I have no choice but to say “Thy
            will be done”.

             Sister Efe My dear friend, condent and prayer partner, my family and I will always cherish the good
            memories and the fun we shared together. You remain a warrior and ghter and we know that the
            Lord that giveth and taketh has placed you in a better place.


            Your dear Sis.
            Mrs.Efua Adoley Aidoo

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