Page 29 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
P. 29
tribute from
ur friendship begun in the early September visiting. Bea and Kofi were
70s, at Tema Food Complex scheduled to arrive the day after my return
OCorporation. To be exact, we to the U.S. When they found out that we
have been friends for 50 years. Together will miss each other, Bea urged me to
with Kofi, we were all good friends and change my flight and stay for an extra
disco buddies. ‘Talk of the Town’ was our week. I did not hesitate. I called the
favorite spot. After I left Ghana for the U.S airline and changed my return flight.
in 1974, we found ways to stay in touch.
Bea and Kofi became more than friends, I can still hear Bea’s voice yelling my
and subsequently, they tied the knot as name, “May, May” as she affectionately
husband and wife. The rest is history. calls me, when she got to my house on
their arrival in Ghana. We had the
Bea and I share many things in common: biggest hug, jumping with joy. We spent
we both like posing for pictures because two quality days together, dining and
we love ourselves, we both have good wining. I cannot thank God enough for
hearts and have open minds. Incredibly, that decision I made to wait for my friend.
God blessed us both, each with three girls
first, and one boy. Our phone I will forever cherish those last days
conversations were usually about our I miss you, Bea! REST IN PEACE!
families and about the good times we had By: Mavis Adjei Bawuah
in the early 70s. We would laugh about
how we walked home bare foot, holding
our uncomfortable high heeled shoes,
after all night disco dancing.
My phone has been silent, I keep
checking if Bea has called, only to remind
myself that she will not be calling.
Bea was a spiritual and motivational
friend. In almost all our phone
conversations, she would talk about how
God has blessed us, and the great things
He has done in our lives. She always
emphasized the importance of being kind
and nice to people. The last time, I saw
my friend would have been 2012, 10 years
ago. However, God, who knows our
future and our destiny, brought us
together few months before Bea took her
last breath. I was in Ghana last