Page 28 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
P. 28


                               BEATRICE AFUA DADSON
                TO THE LATE:

                 “But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you
                sorrow as others who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will
                  bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. …. Therefore comfort one another with these words.”
                                                    1 Thess. 4:13-14, 18.

                 he news of the unexpected passing away       Effie became a member of the Founda on from
                 of  Beatrice  Afua  Dadson  (whom  we  all   the outset before she re-located to the US with
           Taffec onately called Effie) was received by          the family. In 2021 she returned with her husband
           members  of  the  Kwame  Kagya  (Dadson)           to Ghana to se le. She immediately ensured that
           Founda on with sorrow and anguish. The family      she  resumed  ac ve  par cipa on  in  the  family
           had  met  only  two  weeks  earlier  and  she  was   group's ac vi es. She made it a point to be at all
           present with her husband, hale and hearty. We      the family/Founda on’s gatherings and  were all
           also  did  not  hear  of  her  sudden  indisposi on   excited by her efforts. But alas, the Lord had a
           un l  news  of  her  passing.  We  have  been  le    different plan for her.
           without any words but grief and mourning.
                                                              We are indeed saddened that things have turned
           The Founda on which is a family Associa on of      out  this  way  but  are  comforted  that  you  are
           the Dadson and allied families, was ini ated and   res ng in the bosom of our Maker. Fare thee well
           formed in 1992 by the first genera on of Dadson     Effie, fare thee well  ll we reconnect again on the
           siblings.  The  Founda on  is  intended  to  bring   resurrec on day.
           together all members of the Dadson family and
           create  a  strong  bond,  build  harmony  among               Rest in peace and rest from your
           family members and create a pla orm through                            labours,
           which  members  would  come  together  to                       Da yie, Onyame nfa wo nsie
           support each other through  all situa ons.

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