Page 26 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
P. 26

tribute from

              Kuu and Ewuresi

                Maa, you were a God-fearing, selfless, warm, thoughtful and most importantly, a
                prayerful mother. You accepted us on our good days and on days when we did not make
                you proud. You would call regularly to check up on your “nanaanom” (grandchildren) and
                would send sermons to encourage us. We will miss your timely advice on marriage, life
                and raising children.

                Maa, pull out your camera ooo. Pull out your camera and take lots of pictures and
                videos. All of us, all your loved ones, have gathered this weekend to show you how
                much you are loved. Maybe, we should have shown more of this love when you were
                here with us and if ….

                Maa, you were such a force of life! Your strength was incredible and watching your life
                force drain away during those last few days, has been the most difficult experience.

                Maa, your home was always welcoming and full of great food: fried ripe plantain, oven-
                baked jollof, oh that special chicken stew and that meat pie. Hmmmmm.

                Maa, you prayed until your final minutes on this side of eternity. We are certain you are
                still praying and interceding for all your loved ones. We believe you have opened your
                eyes and seen Jesus. And we are sure you are resting in His bosom.

                We will do our best to pitch in to take care of your Lloyd.
                We will do our best to take our time to enjoy life the way you kept reminding us to.

                We take comfort in the words of Isaiah 57:1-2 which says:

                              “Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time.
                              But no one seems to care or wonder why.
                              No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from evil to
                              For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die.”

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