Page 151 - ITUK Press Cuttings 2017
P. 151
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the number of the holel that I live in during the week. food basically every night, so there's no way you can get
which isn't quite as good. beans ontoast or any of the comfort food that I'd really
CM: Outside the truck industry, who's your Iike to have. I've got to watch the calories. Also, I'm
'der ' greatesf role model?
- getting into some bad habits, my wife assures me,
W FM, If yor'r. allowecl to pick someone who's demanding club sandwiches at three in the morning
not withr.r. ary.or., I would say David Stirling, the when I'm back. She tells me off."
founder of the SAS.There is a man who had a burning With the empty plates removed,
desire to communicate his ideas tbr a different kind of we continued.
commando force. So much so that he broke out of CM:Who would you most
hospital and broke in to see a general to get his paper. his like to spend a dar wilh in
ideas, directly to the top man. He wasn't going to be put ,.rrrr
off. He was never afiaid to try different things. He PM:Obviouslv I would he
lbrmed a group of characters who were maybe a little bit concentrating on work so I'd need
different and they went on to achieve some remarkable something to lighten the day a bit. I
things. He didn't get cverything right, but he always think it would have to be Slash, the
believed in himself.Any knocks he got along the way. he guitarist from Guns N'Roses, whcr
took in his stlide. Ultirnatelv. the SAS went on to become could regale me with tales and antics
the best unit in the British Army. Great achievement. from the first incarnation of the
At this point. we paused t1're intcrvicw as breakt'ast band all those years ago. from the '80s and early '90s. Of
arrived. Murphy commented: "[ have one of these a course, he'd havc to bring his guitar along, so I wouldn't
week normally with my dad on a Saturday ntorning. We need to listen to the radio. He could just play me tunes
lost my mum about nine years ago. so eveq/ Saturday he on his guitar all day. I just think he's one oI those guys
comes up and we make a bit of breakfast with the family. that. cvcn though he's a superstar" has his feet Iirmly on
I lrormally have some sort of a protcin shake in the the ground. Just to hear some of the tales would be
morning because I'm living in hotels having restaurant fantastic. I read his book and cvcn that's amazing.
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