Page 85 - K9News_Issue13_October2020_download_Neat
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CORONAVIRUS SNIPPET NO. 2 owned by Bernard le Courtois and Christopher
King. The Reserve CC went to the winner of
Do you think it could be a good idea to handle Open, Champion Mulaloo Midwinter Spirit
your dog with antiviral gel on your hands, so that owned by Mr and Mrs Harding.
when you do get back to the show ring, they
don’t back off from the judges, as happened My Best Puppy went to the dog Genghis Kahn
a lot at Crufts? Just to get them used to it and of Seven Oaks at Cwmtysswg an import from
maybe try a couple of different types as they Germany bred by leading German breeder
obviously don’t all smell the same. Isolde Schmidt and owned by Mr and Mrs
Gittins, the dog was mature and of magnificent
I caught up with John Steele (Saltcountry) stature for his age. Best Veteran was a ten year
and his wife Sue around the Mastiff ring for old bitch Fenrir Du Ranc de Bannes owned by
an informal chat about what lay ahead for his Mr J. Allen.
day and somehow managed to track him down
afterwards to ask how his day had been. In his It was an enjoyable day and evening, which we
own words: spent watching the group and that was the end
of Dog Shows as we know them with the onset
“I have judged dogs over the last forty years, of Covid 19.”
during which time I have judged most breeds
at open show level and almost at every John added that being put up in one of the
championship show in the UK as well as better hotels wasn’t all sweetness and light.
Germany, Holland and the USA. The greatest There were people running up and down the
honour though is to be invited to judge at Crufts. corridors at 1 o’clock in the morning. A couple
I must admit I was wondering if the day would with a Border Collie really going for it and one
ever happen with the shadow of Covid 19 fast swung a bag at the other, narrowly missing their
approaching. dog. I do hope that this couple had made up or
at least settled their differences by the time the
However the show was to go ahead, so I was to dog was shown, for, as we all know, doing any
judge the Mastiffs with an entry of 64. There is form of showing or training when irate or upset,
always pressure at Crufts to keep a good pace affects the dog badly. Perhaps someone could
on so I did my job as quickly and thoroughly let me know?
as possible. As there were a lot of entries from
abroad these sometimes needed guidance in
Please exhibitors, don’t get irate with your
our procedures.
dog/s when trying to load them onto the buses
from the car parks to the NEC buildings. The
There was a good entry of dogs but I could
excitement of doing something new and feeling
not stray from the winner of Open, Champion
the stress from their owners must be immense.
Faynad Frankincense, owned by George Zadeh,
If I could feel it, imagine what they were going
a magnificent brindle and this was his 44th CC,
through. Had you taken them on buses before?
all gained under different judges. I later awarded
No? Then why should you expect them to
him Best of Breed and to top that, he was pulled
behave perfectly when they probably haven’t
out in the Working Group. My Reserve DCC
even see one before? Or should they know it’s
went to the winner of Limit Kumormai Grand
Crufts, feel the atmosphere and behave, just
Theft Auto belonging to Elaine Knight.
In the bitch classes I was impressed by some of
Chivalry has not yet died completely! A young
the younger classes and awarded the CC to the
man on the E1-4 bus first helped a lady on
winner of the large Junior class Peaches and
to the bus with her trolley, then offered his
Cream Brullemail, a beautiful fawn French bitch
seat to two ladies who were standing. They