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both declined, obviously being too young to         that all the dogs in rescue have been bred by
           remember good manners, but it was the first         someone. They weren’t dropped into rescue by
           high point of the day for me.                       a stork. If they haven’t been taken back by the
                                                               responsible breeder, they may not be the safe
           Some of the horrors seen at the show, or rather     dog you dreamed of. They’re bred, not for the
           watching group judging on TV later included         good of the dog but for the money”. Exit those
           owners trying to show their dogs teeth to the       who were struggling to keep their children in
           judges. Some have obviously never done this         order, let alone have a dog to breed from. I did
           before as it looked like they were trying to lift   apologise to the lady who was on the breed
           the lips over their dogs’ heads! If judges did that   stand for butting in and being, perhaps a little
           people would complain bitterly and quite rightly.   blunt but I think we both felt a bit better after it.
           Please, if you can’t show teeth correctly, practice   As she was on her own, I sent her off to walk her
           it. These days you cannot assume the judge will     dogs and take a much needed break. Perhaps I
           be allowed to do it for you.                        should spend a day minding stands while single
                                                               helpers walk dogs and stretch their legs and get
           Bannerdown may have been forced like the            away from people for ten minutes!
           rest of us into semi retirement for now, but are
           pleased to announce that they have two new               CORONAVIRUS SNIPPET NO.3
           Birmingham shows on their books for 2021,
           namely at Stafford and Stoneleigh, so the lads      Yes, it was more than likely that I was seen
           will be out and about being helpful at even         kissing one of my favourite people at the
           more shows than usual. Great news, keep ‘em         Discover Dogs area, despite all warnings to the
           coming, Bannerdown!                                 contrary. This is because I thought it socially
                                                               more acceptable than elbowing a championship
           A suggestion from one of the stewards was           show judge in the face!
           that announcements especially about ring
           changes or times of judging made over the           And on that happy and amusing note, I shall
           public address system aren’t always heard or        sign off. To those who are going to Blackpool,
           even understood by British exhibitors, so how       stay safe, safe journeys and good luck and to
           can overseas people manage? The problem             those who aren’t, stay safe anyway. The time
           with that I suppose is that there are so many       will come when we feel safe enough to return to
           nationalities at Crufts, how would they know        the shows, I’m sure.
           which language to advise in?
                                                               Should you have any snippets, amusing
           I wandered no, not lonely as a cloud, but around    anecdotes and the like, for inclusion in my
           Discover Dogs and spoke with people about           column, please feel free to contact me.
           their breeds, often listening to advice given to
           potential new owners. It was worrying that so                 
           many members of the public go on to a stand
           and ask the wrong questions. Not “What, if           
           any, are the health issues in this breed?” but       (although possibly easier to find me on Facebook)
           “How much are they?” and “When can I start
                                                                              Kim Lathaen
           breeding?” before getting on to the “They say it’s

           better to rescue than buy from a breeder”.

           Enter Kim who, as many of you know, doesn’t
           do political correctness at the best of times
           and somewhat sick of that particular argument
           replied with “What you should remember is

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