Page 119 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 119
holder Sh Ch Gunalt De Ice at Stridview,
out of Enryb Onesie Party, produced another
singleton, “Frank”. Frank and I have continued
the wonderful journey and in the past five
years he gained his show title and excelled in
the working world too with several Field Trial
awards. I’ve come full circle with Ch Enryb
Singles Party JW. Another alarm sounded
early on a sunny October morning in 2020. We
were picking up for some guest guns on our
shoot day. The guys shot well, we waited until
the drive finished and then set about looking
for the birds. I knew we were being watched
while my dog did his job. A dot in the distance,
he used the wind, a sharp turn of direction
when he scented a wounded bird, then a clean
Sh Ch Enryb Its My Party (Holly) pick and the long run back to me with a smart
delivery to hand. One of the older guns turned
December 2015 marked the arrival of a special and said “That’s not a bad dog you’ve got there,
litter that combined many of my home-bred where did you buy him from and who’s trained
lines. “Enryb Christmas Party” and ‘”Enryb him?” I smiled and replied: “I bred him and
Home Alone” were both G.G Grandsires. The trained him myself, his name is Frank and he’s a
litter sired by Karen Whitehead’s breed record CHAMPION”.
In Memorium Our sympathy to the family and
friends of the following members
of the Weimaraner community.
by Tina Morris
Fred Ellingford (Klugmaus)
Fred started in Weimaraners in 1990 with his wife
Lynne when they bought Sireva Engagement Ring,
his beloved Sahne from Gil Simpson. He had
moderate success with the Weimaraners but it was
the PBGV where he had his greatest achievements.
Joining the Afterglow team in 2001, 11 champions
were owned/bred by Fred. Latterly Fred & Lynne
became involved with Tibetan Spaniels and the
partnership with their great friend Claire Cooper was
Fred awarded CCs in Weimaraners, PBGV &
Tibetan Spaniels. He was a popular steward for
many years and was Group Steward at a few of the
general championship shows.
Fred was a great person, always willing to help and enjoyed chatting to people wearing his bright
waistcoats. He is greatly missed by all he knew.