Page 172 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 172

Sh Ch



           Few stud dogs of any breed can have made a more dramatic impact in their time than
           the Weimaraner, Sh Ch Flimmoric Fanclub, bred and owned by Carolyn Alston.

           Patsy Hollings & David Alcorn tell the story of this remarkable dog and his incredible
           legacy spanning several decades. The photos within the piece show some of the
           Fanclub offspring who gained their titles from 2000 onwards.

           When Stephen and Patsy came into                    Carolyn, along with Julie Turner (Gamepoint)
           weimaraners they particularly noticed a girl        and Marnie Marr (Cleimar), went to Washington
           who was always chic, and always had elegant         in 1984 for the three day weimaraner specialty.
           dogs.  A head turning combination - Carolyn         There they noted that good temperaments
           Alston with any of her Flimmoric weimaraners.       prevailed, not always the case in the UK in
           Carolyn’s first Weimaraner was obtained by          those days.  In 1985 it was back to the USA,
           chance from a friend had bought a bitch puppy       with Canada included this time, looking at dogs
           and were struggling with her. Carolyn, who          of the blood lines previously admired.
           has always had a great affinity with animals –
           particularly dogs and horses (where, Carolyn        The bitch Lusco’s Foreign Affair of Flimmoric
           has enjoyed notable success in the dressage         was subsequently imported from Las Vegas,
           ring) - took on the wilful puppy.  This was         and the dog Arocrat The Farm Flimmoric
           Carolyn’s first Weimaraner, and she became Ch       Flyer who unfortunately proved to be infertile
           Gifford’s Lady. Her son, sired by Ch Jehnvar        – perhaps this was a blessing in disguise! Had
           of Greyfilk, became Flimmoric Fieldday              he been fertile, Carolyn would have used him,
           whose son, bred by her great friend Marnie          and not had the desire to use another American
           Marr, became Sh Ch Flashman of Flimmoric            male.
           - the next big winner for Carolyn’s kennel .
           However at only three years of age this male        Julie Turner imported a dog from the famous
           died tragically, at the height of his career. His   Colsidex kenels of Judy Colan’s, in Rhode
           death prompted two excursions to the USA and        Island. Judy was a close friend of Chris
           Canada to fulfil an ambition to buy in foreign      Medciros (now Grissell) of the equally
           blood.                                              outstanding Nani’s kennel from Indianna

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