Page 174 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 174

– who was Best of Breed at Crufts in 2001           Williams, well known in various gundog breeds
           and was then exported to America. Before his        particularly Labradors and Irish Water Spaniels,
           export, Excess proved to be a useful sire in        obtained from Gil Sh Ch Sireva Phannie Hill at
           the UK, siring no less than eight title holders     Foulby.
                                                               Gordon Haran had steered the Ross’s Sh Ch/
           Gil Averis (now Simpson) mated her Ch Sireva        Ir Sh Ch Ansona Purdey to fame to take
           Sapphire to Fanclub and produced her and            the breed CC record and to become the first
           Sandra Marshall’s Sh Ch Sireva Sackadallion         Weimaraner bitch to win BIS at a general
           with Lowerdon.  Gil, delighted with the results,    championship show. The Ross’s rightly let
           then took Sh Ch Sireva Silk and this coupling       Gordon and Marion Waddell choose the stud
           produced three more champions for the Sireva        dog she was to be mated to, and to have a
           kennel – Sh Ch Sireva Phancue, who went to          puppy from her litter. Mated back to her grand
           Tony and Madeline Rainey in Ireland where she       sire Fanclub, Purdey produced Sh Ch Narsad
           gained an Irish Title too.  The Rainey’s also had   Nipsiquit Grey in Magregor who became
           Sh Ch Sireva Phanatic about Trilie.  Angela         another big winner for Gordon and Marion.

                                                               Tina Morris used Fanclub on her Sh Ch Kalimor
                                                               Classic, and from this the Palmer’s obtained Sh
                                                               Ch Kalimor Kavanagh who was also a group
                                                               placer. Ann Haycock mated her Sh Ch Sireva
                                                               Serenely to Fanclub, her grand sire, to produce
                                                               Sh Ch Revilona Ranger. Jane Wright used
                                                               Fanclub and from this came Sh Ch Hofstetter
                                                               Modlicht out of Hofstetter Old Jam Tart.

                                                               Jo How had her first Weimaraner from Jane,
                                                               however in 2001 she made up Sh Ch Mianja
                                                               Merceds for Pipwell, bred by Mick and Jacqui
                                                               Ward out of Melmaric Magic Touch, and made

                      Sh Ch Revilona Ranger

                     Sh Ch Hofstetter Modlicht                             Sh Ch Gunalt Affinity.

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