Page 233 - thinkpython
P. 233


                           abecedarian, 73, 84                          augmented, 93, 100
                           abs function, 52                             item, 74, 90, 116
                           absolute path, 139, 145                      tuple, 116, 117, 119, 122
                           access, 90                               assignment statement, 9
                           accumulator, 100                         attribute, 153, 169
                               histogram, 127                           __dict__, 168
                               list, 93                                 class, 172, 180
                               string, 175                              initializing, 168
                               sum, 93                                  instance, 148, 153, 172, 180
                           Ackermann function, 61, 113              AttributeError, 152, 197
                           add method, 165                          augmented assignment, 93, 100
                           addition with carrying, 68               Austen, Jane, 127
                           algorithm, 67, 69, 130, 201              average case, 202
                               MD5, 146                             average cost, 208
                               square root, 69
                           aliasing, 95, 96, 100, 149, 151, 170     badness, 203
                               copying to avoid, 99                 base case, 44, 47
                           all, 186                                 benchmarking, 133, 134
                           alphabet, 37                             BetterMap , 206
                           alternative execution, 41                big, hairy expression, 199
                           ambiguity, 5                             Big-Oh notation, 209
                           anagram, 101                             big-oh notation, 203
                           anagram set, 123, 145                    binary search, 101
                           analysis of algorithms, 201, 209         bingo, 123
                           analysis of primitives, 204              birthday, 160
                           and operator, 40                         birthday paradox, 101
                           any, 185                                 bisect module, 101
                           append method, 92, 97, 101, 174, 175     bisection search, 101, 205
                           arc function, 31                         bisection, debugging by, 68
                           Archimedian spiral, 38                   bitwise operator, 3
                           argument, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 97         body, 19, 26, 65
                               gather, 118                          bool type, 40
                               keyword, 33, 36, 191                 boolean expression, 40, 47
                               list, 97                             boolean function, 54
                               optional, 76, 79, 95, 107, 184       boolean operator, 76
                               positional, 164, 169, 190            borrowing, subtraction with, 68, 159
                               variable-length tuple, 118           bounded, 207
                           argument scatter, 118                    bracket
                           arithmetic operator, 3                       squiggly, 103
                           assert statement, 159, 160               bracket operator, 71, 90, 116
                           assignment, 14, 63, 89                   branch, 41, 47
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