Page 234 - thinkpython
P. 234
212 Index
break statement, 66 compound statement, 41, 47
bubble sort, 201 concatenation, 12, 14, 22, 73, 74, 95
bug, 6, 7, 13 list, 91, 97, 101
worst, 170 condition, 41, 47, 65, 196
built-in function conditional, 194
any, 185, 186 chained, 41, 47
bytes object, 141, 145 nested, 42, 47
conditional execution, 41
calculator, 8, 15 conditional expression, 183, 191
call graph, 109, 112 conditional statement, 41, 47, 55, 184
Car Talk, 88, 113, 124 consistency check, 111, 158
Card class, 172 constant time, 208
card, playing, 171 contributors, vii
carrying, addition with, 68, 156, 158 conversion
catch, 145 type, 17
chained conditional, 41, 47 copy
character, 71 deep, 152
checksum, 143, 146 shallow, 152
child class, 176, 180 slice, 74, 92
choice function, 126 to avoid aliasing, 99
circle function, 31 copy module, 151
circular definition, 55 copying objects, 151
class, 4, 147, 153 count method, 79
Card, 172 Counter, 187
child, 176, 180 counter, 75, 79, 104, 111
Deck, 174 counting and looping, 75
Hand, 176 Creative Commons, vi
Kangaroo, 170 crossover point, 202, 209
parent, 176 crosswords, 83
Point, 148, 165 cumulative sum, 100
Rectangle, 149
Time, 155 data encapsulation, 179, 181
class attribute, 172, 180 data structure, 122, 123, 132
class definition, 147 database, 141, 145
class diagram, 177, 181 database object, 141
class object, 148, 153, 190 datetime module, 160
close method, 138, 141, 143 dbm module, 141
__cmp__ method, 173 dead code, 52, 60, 198
Collatz conjecture, 65 debugger (pdb), 197
collections, 187, 188, 190 debugging, 6, 7, 13, 36, 46, 59, 77, 87, 98, 111,
colon, 19, 194 122, 133, 144, 152, 159, 168, 178,
comment, 12, 14 185, 193
commutativity, 12, 167 by bisection, 68
compare function, 52 emotional response, 6, 200
comparing algorithms, 201 experimental, 25
comparison rubber duck, 134
string, 77 superstition, 200
tuple, 116, 174 deck, 171
comparison sort, 205 Deck class, 174
composition, 19, 22, 26, 54, 174 deck, playing cards, 174