Page 238 - thinkpython
P. 238
216 Index
interface, 33, 36, 169, 179 Liskov substitution principle, 179
interlocking words, 101 list, 89, 94, 100, 121, 184
interpret, 6 as argument, 97
interpreter, 2 concatenation, 91, 97, 101
invariant, 159, 160 copy, 92
invert dictionary, 107 element, 90
invocation, 76, 79 empty, 89
is operator, 95, 152 function, 94
IS-A relationship, 177, 180 index, 90
isinstance function, 58, 153, 166 membership, 90
item, 74, 79, 89, 103 method, 92
dictionary, 112 nested, 89, 91
item assignment, 74, 90, 116 of objects, 174
item update, 91 of tuples, 119
items method, 120 operation, 91
iteration, 64, 69 repetition, 91
iterator, 119–121, 123, 204 slice, 91
traversal, 91
join , 204
list comprehension, 184, 191
join method, 95, 175
list methods, 204
literalness, 5
Kangaroo class, 170
local variable, 22, 26
key, 103, 112
key-value pair, 103, 112, 120 log function, 18
logarithm, 135
keyboard input, 45
logarithmic growth, 203
KeyError, 104, 197
logical operator, 40
KeyError , 206
lookup, 112
keyword, 10, 14, 194
lookup, dictionary, 106
def, 19
LookupError, 107
elif, 42
loop, 31, 36, 65, 119
else, 41
condition, 196
keyword argument, 33, 36, 191
for, 30, 44, 72, 91
Koch curve, 49
infinite, 65, 196
language nested, 174
formal, 4 traversal, 72
natural, 4 while, 64
safe, 13 loop variable, 184
Turing complete, 55 looping
leading coefficient, 202 with dictionaries, 106
leading term, 202, 209 with indices, 86, 91
leap of faith, 57 with strings, 75
len function, 26, 72, 104 looping and counting, 75
letter frequency, 123 low-level language, 6
letter rotation, 80, 113 ls (Unix command), 142
linear, 209
linear growth, 203 machine model, 201, 209
linear search, 205 main, 23, 43, 110, 144
LinearMap , 206 maintainable, 169
Linux, 25 map pattern, 93, 100
lipogram, 84 map to, 171