Page 239 - thinkpython
P. 239
Index 217
mapping, 112, 131 method, list, 92
Markov analysis, 130 Meyers, Chris, vi
mash-up, 132 min function, 117, 118
math function, 18 Moby Project, 83
matplotlib, 135 model, mental, 199
max function, 117, 118 modifier, 157, 160
McCloskey, Robert, 73 module, 18, 26
md5, 143 bisect, 101
MD5 algorithm, 146 collections, 187, 188, 190
md5sum, 146 copy, 151
membership datetime, 160
binary search, 101 dbm, 141
bisection search, 101 os, 139
dictionary, 104 pickle, 137, 142
list, 90 pprint, 112
set, 113 profile, 133
memo, 109, 112 random, 101, 126, 175
mental model, 199 reload, 144, 195
metaphor, method invocation, 163 shelve, 142
metathesis, 123 string, 125
method, 36, 75, 161, 169 structshape, 122
__cmp__, 173 time, 101
__str__, 165, 174 module object, 18, 143
add, 165 module, writing, 143
append, 92, 97, 101, 174, 175 modulus operator, 39, 47
close, 138, 141, 143 Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 156
count, 79 MP3, 146
extend, 92 mro method, 179
get, 105 multiline string, 35, 194
init, 164, 172, 174, 176 multiplicity (in class diagram), 178, 181
items, 120 multiset, 187
join, 95, 175 mutability, 74, 90, 92, 96, 111, 115, 121, 151
mro, 179 mutable object, as default value, 170
pop, 94, 175
radd, 167 name built-in variable, 144
read, 143 namedtuple, 190
readline, 83, 143 NameError, 22, 197
remove, 94 NaN, 183
replace, 125 natural language, 4, 7
setdefault, 113 negative index, 72
sort, 92, 99, 176 nested conditional, 42, 47
split, 95, 117 nested list, 89, 91, 100
string, 79 newline, 45, 175
strip, 84, 125 Newton’s method, 66
translate, 125 None special value, 24, 26, 52, 92, 94
update, 120 NoneType type, 24
values, 104 not operator, 40
void, 92 number, random, 126
method resolution order, 179
method syntax, 162 Obama, Barack, 201