Page 240 - thinkpython
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218                                                                       Index

                  object, 74, 79, 95, 96, 100              or operator, 40
                      bytes, 141, 145                      order of growth, 202, 209
                      class, 147, 148, 153, 190            order of operations, 11, 14, 199
                      copying, 151                         os module, 139
                      Counter, 187                         other (parameter name), 164
                      database, 141                        OverflowError, 46
                      defaultdict, 188                     overloading, 169
                      embedded, 150, 153, 170              override, 129, 134, 165, 173, 176, 179
                      enumerate, 119
                      file, 83, 87                          palindrome, 61, 80, 86, 88
                      function, 27                         parameter, 21, 23, 26, 97
                      generator, 185                           gather, 118
                      module, 143                              optional, 129, 165
                      mutable, 151                             other, 164
                      namedtuple, 190                          self, 163
                      pipe, 145                            parent class, 176, 180
                      printing, 162                        parentheses
                      set, 186                                 argument in, 17
                      zip, 123                                 empty, 19, 76
                  object diagram, 148, 150, 152, 153, 155, 173  parameters in, 21, 22
                  object-oriented design, 169                  parent class in, 176
                  object-oriented language, 169                tuples in, 115
                  object-oriented programming, 147, 161, 169,  parse, 5, 7
                          176                              pass statement, 41
                  odometer, 88                             path, 139, 145
                  Olin College, v                              absolute, 139
                  open function, 83, 84, 137, 140, 141         relative, 139
                  operand, 14                              pattern
                  operator, 7                                  filter, 93, 100, 184
                      and, 40                                  guardian, 59, 60, 78
                      arithmetic, 3                            map, 93, 100
                      bitwise, 3                               reduce, 93, 100
                      boolean, 76                              search, 75, 79, 85, 107, 186
                      bracket, 71, 90, 116                     swap, 116
                      del, 94                              pdb (Python debugger), 197
                      format, 138, 145, 197                PEMDAS, 11
                      in, 76, 85, 90, 104                  permission, file, 140
                      is, 95, 152                          persistence, 137, 145
                      logical, 40                          pi, 18, 70
                      modulus, 39, 47                      pickle module, 137, 142
                      not, 40                              pickling, 142
                      or, 40                               pie, 37
                      overloading, 169                     pipe, 142
                      relational, 40, 173                  pipe object, 145
                      slice, 73, 79, 91, 98, 116           plain text, 83, 125
                      string, 12                           planned development, 158
                      update, 93                           poetry, 5
                  operator overloading, 166, 173           Point class, 148, 165
                  optional argument, 76, 79, 95, 107, 184  point, mathematical, 147
                  optional parameter, 129, 165             poker, 171, 181
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