Page 235 - thinkpython
P. 235
Index 213
declaration, 110, 112 walk, 140
decrement, 64, 69 working, 139
deep copy, 152, 153 dispatch
deepcopy function, 152 type-based, 167
def keyword, 19 dispatch, type-based, 166
default value, 129, 134, 165 divisibility, 39
avoiding mutable, 170 division
defaultdict, 188 floating-point, 39
definition floor, 39, 46, 47
circular, 55 divmod, 117, 158
class, 147 docstring, 35, 37, 148
function, 19 dot notation, 18, 26, 76, 148, 162, 172
recursive, 124 Double Day, 160
del operator, 94 double letters, 88
deletion, element of list, 94 Doyle, Arthur Conan, 25
delimiter, 95, 100 duplicate, 101, 113, 146, 187
designed development, 160
deterministic, 126, 134 element, 89, 100
development plan, 36 element deletion, 94
data encapsulation, 179, 181 elif keyword, 42
designed, 158 Elkner, Jeff, v, vi
encapsulation and generalization, 35 ellipses, 19
incremental, 52, 193 else keyword, 41
prototype and patch, 156, 158 email address, 117
random walk programming, 134, 200 embedded object, 150, 153, 170
reduction, 85, 87 copying, 152
diagram emotional debugging, 6, 200
call graph, 112 empty list, 89
class, 177, 181 empty string, 79, 95
object, 148, 150, 152, 153, 155, 173 encapsulation, 32, 36, 54, 69, 75, 177
stack, 23, 97 encode, 171, 180
state, 9, 63, 78, 90, 96, 108, 120, 148, 150, encrypt, 171
152, 155, 173 end of line character, 144
__dict__ attribute, 168 enumerate function, 119
dict function, 103 enumerate object, 119
dictionary, 103, 112, 120, 197 epsilon, 67
initialize, 120 equality and assignment, 63
invert, 107 equivalence, 96, 152
lookup, 106 equivalent, 100
looping with, 106 error
reverse lookup, 106 runtime, 13, 44, 46, 193
subtraction, 129 semantic, 13, 193, 198
traversal, 120, 168 shape, 122
dictionary methods, 204 syntax, 13, 193
dbm module, 141 error checking, 58
dictionary subtraction, 186 error message, 7, 13, 193
diff, 146 eval function, 69
Dijkstra, Edsger, 87 evaluate, 10
dir function, 197 exception, 13, 14, 193, 196
directory, 139, 145 AttributeError, 152, 197