Page 242 - thinkpython
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220                                                                       Index

                  scatter, 118, 123, 191                   squiggly bracket, 103
                  Schmidt, Eric, 201                       stable sort, 205
                  Scrabble, 123                            stack diagram, 23, 26, 37, 44, 56, 60, 97
                  script, 11, 14                           state diagram, 9, 14, 63, 78, 90, 96, 108, 120,
                  script mode, 11, 14, 24                          148, 150, 152, 155, 173
                  search, 107, 205, 209                    statement, 10, 14
                  search pattern, 75, 79, 85, 186              assert, 159, 160
                  search, binary, 101                          assignment, 9, 63
                  search, bisection, 101                       break, 66
                  self (parameter name), 163                   compound, 41
                  semantic error, 13, 14, 193, 198             conditional, 41, 47, 55, 184
                  semantics, 14, 162                           for, 30, 72, 91
                  sequence, 4, 71, 79, 89, 94, 115, 121        global, 110, 112
                  set, 130, 186                                if, 41
                      anagram, 123, 145                        import, 26, 144
                  set membership, 113                          pass, 41
                  set subtraction, 186                         print, 3, 7, 165, 197
                  setdefault, 189                              raise, 107, 112, 159
                  setdefault method, 113                       return, 44, 51, 199
                  sexagesimal, 158                             try, 140, 153
                  shallow copy, 152, 153                       while, 64
                  shape, 123                               step size, 79
                  shape error, 122                         StopIteration, 185
                  shell, 142, 145                          str function, 18
                  shelve module, 142                       __str__ method, 165, 174
                  shuffle function, 175                     string, 4, 7, 94, 121
                  sine function, 18                            accumulator, 175
                  singleton, 108, 112, 115                     comparison, 77
                  slice, 79                                    empty, 95
                      copy, 74, 92                             immutable, 74
                      list, 91                                 method, 75
                      string, 73                               multiline, 35, 194
                      tuple, 116                               operation, 12
                      update, 92                               slice, 73
                  slice operator, 73, 79, 91, 98, 116          triple-quoted, 35
                  sort method, 92, 99, 176                 string concatenation, 204
                  sorted                                   string method, 79
                      function, 99, 106                    string methods, 204
                  sorted function, 121                     string module, 125
                  sorting, 204, 205                        string representation, 144, 165
                  special case, 87, 157                    string type, 4
                  special value                            strip method, 84, 125
                      False, 40                            structshape module, 122
                      None, 24, 26, 52, 92, 94             structure, 5
                      True, 40                             subject, 163, 169
                  spiral, 38                               subset, 187
                  split method, 95, 117                    subtraction
                  sqrt, 53                                     dictionary, 129
                  sqrt function, 18                            with borrowing, 68
                  square root, 66                          subtraction with borrowing, 159
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