Page 47 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
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stituted for the human head. The entrance of the temple
is marked by a great pylon built by Ramses II, 65 metres
wide and decorated with bas reliefs representing the mili-
tary campaign led by Ramses II against the Hittites. The
luxor temple may be relatively smaller, but it’s every bit as
stunning as Karnak, whether you see it in the heat of the
afternoon or in the fading light of the setting sun.
About 3 km from the temple of luxor is the mighty
Karnak temple, acknowledged as the largest in the world.
supported by columns, it is so vast it could contain the
whole of Notre Dame de Paris. Its most amazing feature Alexandria
is the hypostyle hall, 152 metres long and 52 metres wide,
containing a veritable ‘forest of columns’ which excite
tremendous emotion because of their size and the play of weather, spectacular sunsets, starry nights, rich scenery,
light and shade on them. palm-shaded beaches, rare fauna and an underwater
The Karnak complex also contains a sacred lake, 120 paradise rich in coral reefs. You can enjoy scuba diving,
metres long. Today, the reflection of the imposing remains snorkelling, swimming, mountain climbing or even camp
of the temple shimmer in the lake, and on illuminated with bedouins who live in the mountains.
nights of the son et lumiere, Thebes’ ancient splendour The value addition for tourists to sharm El-sheikh is
comes back to life. the sinai mountain range, a few hours drive from there,
And if all the history that’s omnipresent in luxor begins whose important peaks are Mount Moses, (where
to overwhelm you, take a stroll along the corniche, shop prophet Moses received the Ten Commandments) and
at the stalls lining the streets, go for a long boat ride, chill Mount St. Catherine, the highest on the peninsula to
at one of the small eateries lining the river banks with a which the angels reportedly transported her body after she
hookah or a pint of local stella beer. According to native was martyred in Alexandria. Most tourists trek up at least
lore, it was the Egyptian god Osiris who taught humans one of these peaks.
how to brew beer. The peak of Moses’ Mountain (7,769 ft) is accessible
following a three-hour trek up the Moses’ stairway with
aLEXandria 300 granite steps, reportedly arranged by a single monk to
No tour of Egypt is complete without a visit to Alexandria fulfill a vow. At the summit there’s a chapel. Most visi-
(pop. 4 million), the country’s main port. Known as the tors prefer to await the break of dawn up here to witness
‘Pearl of the Mediterranean’, it was founded in 332 B.C by the first rays of the sun illuminate the surrounding rocks
Alexander the Great. Thereafter this city morphed into a and penetrate to the south until they light up the Gulf of
major intellectual, political and economic metropolis which Aqaba. Mount St. Catherine necessitates a five-hour trek
proudly bears the weight of its rich history. In the city to the peak crowned by a chapel where tourists can spend
centre, there are monuments representing various cultures the night to enjoy the sunrise over the sinai Peninsula.
including Roman, Greek, Turkish and Egyptian. some At the foot of the mountains is the famous Monastery
of the must-sees are the Lighthouse (one of the seven of St. Catherine, which is the smallest diocese in the
wonders of the ancient world), the Great Library, the world and the oldest Christian monastery in existence. It
Fortress of Kaitbay, Pompeii Pillar and the Na- houses a rich collection of icons and precious manuscripts.
tional Museum. It’s difficult to believe there’s a better way to round off a
Accommodation. Top-end: Embassy suites (Rs.12,440- tour to Egypt than visiting sinai, the route to the Promised
15,550 per night), Hampton Inn (Rs.13,109 onwards). land where Isis sought Osiris and the pharaohs found
Mid-range: Montazah Sheraton Hotel (Rs.4,875-6,758), gold. The meeting point of three of the world’s great
Mercure Romance Alexandria (Rs.5,575 onwards), Sofitel revealed religions and the crossroad to Africa and Asia,
Cecil Alexandria (Rs.6,220-11,406), Days Inn (Rs.5,110 where Moses witnessed the Burning Bush, the Holy Family
onwards), Inns of Virginia (Rs.6,221-10,368). traversed during its flight into Egypt, the Red Sea Riviera
offers a perfect rest and recreation stop after a cultural tour
Sinai of the land of the pharaohs.
After being in a time warp for 11 days and soaking in Accommodation. Top-end: Aida Beach Hotel
so much of Egypt’s history, civilisation and culture, the (Rs.12,590 onwards), Camel Hotel & Dive Club (Rs.25,183
charming beach resort of Sharm El-Sheikh on the Red onwards). Mid-range: Fantazia Hotel (Rs.2,073-2,963),
sea in the sinai Peninsula, provides welcome rest and Eden Rock Hotel (Rs.7,409-14,817), Gardenia Resort
(Rs.11,113-22,226). Budget: Golden Palace (Rs.5,926-
recreation. An international summer and winter resort 11,112), Coral Bay Village (Rs.4,074-6,296).
perched on the edge of the Gulf of Aqaba, it offers sunny
parentsworld • march 2020 47