Page 50 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
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nurturing 21st century childrennurturing 21st century children
Making summer holidays
PW invites parents of gEMS international School, Palam vihar, gurgaon to share
ideas to make summer holidays meaningful for families
i believe this summer is the perfect time for my Summer vacations
nine-year-old twins Ahaan and Sparsh, to pick up are about doing
“a skill or “things together as
two which could a family. Whether it’s
go a long way in playing indoor board or
enriching their card games together or
lives. therefore teaching my son Agam-
we have enrolled deep Singh (class ii) and
them in a music Apardeep (kindergarten)
school to learn the to play rustic outdoor
nuances of playing games that i remember
the piano. We also playing in my child-
intend to engage hood, or even reading
them in the kitchen to learn to prepare breakfast as i feel books together. All these
it is a critical life skill for every child regardless of gender are joyful activities best
to value and acknowledge the time and effort that goes enjoyed during a holiday
into preparing a meal. Visiting historical sites, long drives, break. Of course a getaway holiday to the seaside or the
picnics and last but not the least, a visit to their grand- hills has its own thrills as well.” — Ramanpreet Kaur,
parents are also on the agenda.” — Anita Patnaik, primary teacher, gems international School
to begin with, i plan to introduce a health regimen
Summer holidays by going on an early morning jog with my daugh-
are the best time “ter ira (class Vi). After that we’ll chat about her
“for children to interests and plan her day’s activities. i also plan to visit
bond with family. given a nearby nursery with her so she can be inspired to go
that all of us — adults green and plant saplings in the neighbourhood and take
included — spend a up small-
substantial chunk of our time garden-
time on digital devices, i ing project
am planning a technol- at home.
ogy-free vacation for my Additionally,
son Bir Kunwar Singh we plan to
(class ii) and daughter travel to our
Prabhgun Kaur (class native Mad-
Vi) in the lap of nature. i believe the simplest things like hya Pradesh
talking to each other, playing indoor games and engaging to give ira
in outdoor adventure sports will make our bonds stronger a glimpse of rural life as well as visit places of historical
and better while teaching us useful life lessons.” — Sukh- importance.” — Ashroopal Gupta, asst manager, target
meet Kaur, senior technical writer, ciena india Australia india sourcing office
parentsworld • march 2020 50