Page 48 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 48

nurturing 21st century childrennurturing 21st century children


                                      Helping children

                               cope with exam stress

               PW invited parents of Excellere World School, gurgaon to share their insights on
                     how they ensure their children experience a stress-free exam season

             My mantra                                         i believe the key to a relaxed exam season is ad-
             is very clear.                                    equate sleep, healthy and regular meals and some
         “When the                                        “recreation. Monitoring the academic progress of my
         academic term                                    children — 14-year-old
         begins for my                                    naman (class Vii), nine-
         children — yash                                  year-old Mayank (class
         Vardhan (class iii)                              iV) and five-year-old
         and harsh (class                                 harshita (uKg ) — on
         Vi) — i advise                                   a daily basis without
         them to maintain                                 micromanaging, makes it
         a home-work rou-                                 easy for me and my wife
         tine from day one followed by an hour of self-study and   to plan our time with
         revision. Weekends are for question hour and mock tests.   them and advise them
         this way, their academics are up to date with minimal   accordingly. Since we are
         stress during the exam season. Plus i always remember to   aware of our children’s
         have normal conversations with them and remain mind-  strengths and weaknesses,
         ful to leave out the word ‘exam’.” — Ajay Vir Yadav,   we only have realistic expectations from them.” — Sand-
         project head, Bharti infratel ltd                eep Kumar, bank professional, hdFc

                                               it’s im-        exams are inevitable and an integral part of stu-
                                               portant         dents’ lives. Our children look up to us for inspira-
                                           “to treat  “tion. therefore, it’s our duty to help them overcome
                                           children as    the stress that comes with exams. i have made it a
                                           god’s gifts    practice not to compare my children — tanya (class Vii)
                                           for nurturing   and divyanshu (class iV) — with their peers. instead, i
                                           in a loving    appreciate their strengths while convincing them to work
                                           environment.   on their weaknesses. i help both my children to plan
                                           they are                                           exam prepa-
                                           not pressure                                       ration well
                                           cookers for                                        in advance
         our desired recipes. On exam days especially, it’s early to                          and work
         bed and early to rise for my 11-year-old son Arnav (class                            out a stress
         Vi) and eight-year-old daughter Avni (class iii) so they                             management
         can join me for a brisk morning walk followed by some                                plan as well.”
         yoga. trust me, it works wonders! On weekends between                                — Vijender
         exams, apart from cooking their favourite meals, we en-                              Singh, hos-
         courage them to watch tV and cycle during breaks from                                pital admin-
         exam preparation.” — Monu Chauhan, plant head,                                       istrator, Sgt
         Antech engineers                                                                     university

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