Page 5 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 5
n u r t u r i n g 2 1 st c en t u r y c h i l d r en
3 books for success 20
asK your counselor
Coping with exam stress 22
activity zone
The joy & benefits of 24
learning music
careers watch
Exciting careers in the 26
gaming industry
covEr Story Kidzone 28
Managing the parenting
stress crisis
leisure & travel
news Bytes 8 Education
holidays in
early childhood 42
5 reasons why your 16
infant cries out loud
health & nutrition
middle years Importance of good gut health 32
Developing children’s 18
spatial intelligence Delectable energy balls 34
3 simple exercises to relieve 38
parents corner back pain
Helping children 48
cope with exam stress
fun with words
Making summer 50 To avoid slips of tongue, just
holidays meaningful sleak spowly 40
parentsworld • march 2020 5