Page 6 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 6

nurturing 21st century children


                                          I want to share with your readers a   about suicide or making the first self-
                                          personal experience which has shat-  injury attempt. I believe it is impor-
                                          tered my belief that social attitudes   tant for all parents to acknowledge
                                          are changing for the better in India.   that suicide among adolescents is a
                                          Unfortunately, India is still a deeply   reality.
                                          patriarchal society with regressive   Bullying, sexual molestation,
                                          attitudes towards women, divorce and   depression among other problems
                                          marriage.                        can lead adolescents to contemplate
                                            I faced an ordeal when I went to   suicide. Children should know that
                                          renew my child’s passport recently.   they can rely on their parents for
                                          Though my application clearly said   sympathy, advice and counsel when
                                          that I was divorced, the passport of-  they experience depression and sui-
                                          fice executive (male) unleashed a bar-  cidal impulses.
                                          rage of unnecessary questions about            Mohamed Ansari
                                          my divorce. When I replied that I                       Chennai
                                          wasn’t comfortable answering them,
                                          I was shunted from one department   teach male children gender
                                          to the other resulting in considerable   sensitivity
         Single parents acceptance          Again, during my child’s school   We are regular subscribers of
         growing                          admission interview, I was asked sev-  ParentsWorld. My son often tries out
                                          eral questions about my divorce and   the recipes included in the Health &
         I salute ParentsWorld for publishing a   financial status. It was embarrassing   Nutrition section. Unfortunately my
         powerful cover story ‘Don’t judge.   to answer these questions before my   in-laws make sexist comments about
         Enable single parents!’ (PW Febru-  child but I had no choice. Given the   his culinary interest.
         ary). As a single parent in the early   rising number of single mothers in   I wonder when Indian families will
         years of the new millennium, I expe-  India, my request to school manage-  start changing their mind-sets and
         rienced social prejudice and disdain,   ments is to be more sensitive during   begin teaching male children to cook
         and had to move to three different   admission interviews.        so they can learn a life skill and most
         cities with my daughter.                               Reeja S.   importantly value the time and effort
           In small town India especially,                         Kochi   millions of women invest every day to
         single moms are harshly judged and                                prepare meals. Gender sensitivity and
         stigmatised for their personal and   acknowledge teenage          respect for women must be instilled in
         parental choices. For instance, when   suicide reality            male children from young age.
         we were living in Varanasi, we were                                                Linesha Sarin
         never invited to any social gatherings.   Your story ‘8 ways to discuss sui-               Delhi
           But today the scenario has vastly   cide with teens’ (PW February) is an
         changed. Now my daughter is in   eye-opener. It is a common miscon-  informative & well-written
         class XII and I realise that many of   ception that suicide is an irrelevant
         her peers come from single parent   issue — most middle class parents   Thank you for publishing an
         households. There is definitely more   including myself believe that it will   informative and well-written
         acceptance of single mothers than a   never happen to our children. In fact,   magazine on parenting. I enjoy
         decade ago.                      it’s all too relevant in today’s hyper-  reading the Health & Nutrition
                             Rashmi K.    competitive era.                 and Kid Zone sections. It would be
                               Bangalore    National Crime Records Bureau   interesting to also read first-person
                                          data indicates that suicide is among   experiences of parents who have
         Patriarchy deep & alive          the most common causes of death   faced child-rearing challenges and
                                          among youth in the 10-24 years age   their solutions. Please do consider
         Your cover story on single parent   bracket. Even more disturbing are   including such a section.
         households was relevant and timely   media reports that a rising number           Samita Trivedi
         (PW February). As a single mother,   of high school students are thinking                Mumbai

         parentsworld • march 2020       6
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