Page 277 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 277
Chapter 8: Cloning Objects and Creating Object Arrays
3. With the dinosaur model selected, choose Edit ➪ Clone (or press Ctrl+V).
The Clone Options dialog box appears.
4. Name the clone First clone, select the Copy option, and click OK.
5. Click the Select and Move button (or press the W key) on the main toolbar. Then in the Top
viewport, click and drag the dinosaur model to the right.
As you move the model, the original model beneath it is revealed.
6. Select each model in turn, and notice the name change in the Create panel’s Name field. Notice
that the clone is even the same object color as the original.
7. With the Select and Move button still active, hold down the Shift key, click the cloned dinosaur
in the Top viewport, and move it to the right again. In the Clone Options dialog box that appears,
select the Copy option, set the Number of Copies to 3, and click OK.
8. Click the Zoom Extents All button (or press Shift+Ctrl+Z) in the lower-right corner to view all the
new dinosaurs.
Three additional dinosaurs have appeared, equally spaced from each other. The spacing was
determined by the distance that you moved the second clone before releasing the mouse.
Figure 8.2 shows the results of our dinosaur cloning experiment. (Now you’ll need to build a
really strong fence.)
Cloning multiple objects is easy with the Shift-clone feature.
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