Page 289 - Kitab3DsMax
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Chapter 8: Cloning Objects and Creating Object Arrays
Tutorial: Cloning and aligning trees on a beach
To practice using the Clone and Align tool, you’ll open a beach scene with a single set of grouped trees.
Several other box objects have been positioned and rotated about the scene. The trees will be the source
object and the box objects will be the destinations.
To position and orient several high-res trees using the Clone and Align tool, follow these steps:
1. Open the Trees on beach.max file from the Chap 08 directory on the DVD.
This file includes a beach scene created by Viewpoint Datalabs.
2. Select the tree objects that have been grouped together, and open the Clone and Align dialog box
by selecting the Tools ➪ Align ➪ Clone and Align menu command.
The Clone and Align dialog box remembers the last settings used, which may be different from what you want.
You can reset all the settings with the Reset All Parameters button at the bottom of the dialog box. n
3. In the Clone and Align dialog box, click the Pick button and select each of the box objects in
the scene.
4. In the Align Parameters rollout, enable the X and Y axes for the Positions and the X, Y, and Z axes
for the Orientation. Then click the Apply button.
Figure 8.12 shows the simple results. Notice that the destination objects have not been replaced and are
still there.
Using the Clone and Align dialog box, you can place these trees to match the stand-in objects’ position and orientation.
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