Page 293 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 293
Chapter 8: Cloning Objects and Creating Object Arrays
3. Select the light blue chair object, and open the Array dialog box by choosing Tools ➪ Array or by
clicking the Array button on the Extras toolbar. Before entering any values into the Array dialog
box, click the Reset All Parameters button.
4. Between the Incremental and Totals sections are the labels Move, Rotate, and Scale. Click the
arrow button to the right of the Rotate label. Set the Z column value of the Rotate row to 360
degrees, and make sure that the Re-Orient option is disabled.
A value of 360 degrees defines one complete revolution. Disabling the Re-Orient option keeps
each chair object from gradually turning upside down.
5. In the Array Dimensions section, set the 1D spinner Count value to 8 and click OK to create
the array.
6. Next select the green strut, and open the Array dialog box again with the Tools ➪ Array com-
mand. Select the Re-Orient option, and leave the rest of the settings as they are. Click OK to
create the array.
Figure 8.15 shows the resulting Ferris wheel. You can click the Min/Max toggle in the lower-right corner to
view all four viewports again.
A circular array created by rotating objects about the Transform Coordinate Center
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