Page 342 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 342
Part III: Modeling Basics
Preserve modifier
The Preserve modifier works to maintain Edge Lengths, Face Angles, and Volume as an object is deformed
and edited. Before an object is modified, make an additional copy. Then edit one of the copies. To apply the
Preserve modifier, click the Pick Original button; then click the unmodified object, and finally click the
modified object. The object is modified to preserve the Edge Lengths, Face Angles, and Volume as defined
in the Weight values. This helps prevent the topology of the modified object from becoming too irregular.
In order for the Preserve modifier to keep objects and modifiers in check, it must be placed above the objects and
modifiers it is watching. n
The Iterations option determines the number of times the process is applied. You can also specify to apply
to the Whole Mesh, to Selected Vertices Only, or to an Inverted Selection.
Relax modifier
The Relax modifier tends to smooth the overall geometry by separating vertices that lie closer than an aver-
age distance. Parameters include a Relax Value, which is the percentage of the distance that the vertices
move. Values can range between 1.0 and –1.0. A value of 0 has no effect on the object. Negative values have
the opposite effect, causing an object to become tighter and more distorted.
As you model, it is common for meshes to have sections that are too tight, which are dense locations in the mesh
where a large concentration of vertices are close together. The Relax modifier can be used to cause the areas that
are too tight to be relaxed. n
The Iterations value determines how many times this calculation is computed. The Keep Boundary Points
Fixed option removes any points that are next to an open hole. Save Outer Corners maintains the vertex
position of corners of an object.
Ripple modifier
The Ripple modifier creates ripples across the surface of an object. This modifier is best used on a single
object; if several objects need a ripple effect, use the Ripple Space Warp. The ripple is applied via a gizmo
that you can control. Parameters for this modifier include two Amplitude values and values for the Wave
Length, Phase, and Decay of the ripple.
The two amplitude values cause an increase in the height of the ripples opposite one another. Figure 11.15
shows the Ripple modifier applied to a simple Quad Patch with values of 10 for Amplitude 1 and a Wave
Length value of 50. The right Quad Patch also has an Amplitude 2 value of 20.
Shell modifier
When a mesh subobject is deleted, it leaves a hole in the surface that allows the inside of the object to be
seen. This inside section doesn’t have normals pointing the right direction, so the object appears blank
unless the Force 2-Sided option in the Viewport Configuration dialog box is selected. The Shell modifier
makes an object into a shell with a surface on the inside and outside of the object.
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