Page 337 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 337
Chapter 11: Introducing Modifiers and Using the Modifier Stack
Several modifiers have the option to impose limits on the modifier, including Upper and Lower Limit values. n
The hammer in Figure 11.9 shows several bending options. The left hammer shows a Bend value of 75
degrees around the Z-axis, the middle hammer also has a Direction value of 60, and the right hammer has
an Upper Limit of 8.
The Bend modifier can bend objects about any axis.
Tutorial: Bending a tree
If you have a tree model that you want to bend as if the wind were blowing, you can apply the Bend modi-
fier. The tree then bends about its Pivot Point. Luckily, all the trees and plants found in the AEC Objects
category have their Pivot Points set about their base, so bending a tree is really easy.
To bend a tree using the Bend modifier, follow these steps:
1. Select the Create ➪ AEC Objects ➪ Foliage menu command to access the available trees. Select a
long, thin tree like the Yucca, and click in the Top viewport to add it to the scene.
2. With the tree selected, select the Modifiers ➪ Parametric Deformers ➪ Bend menu command to
apply the Bend modifier to the tree.
3. In the Parameters rollout found in the Modify panel, set the Bend Axis to Z and the Bend Angle
to 60.
The tree bends as desired.
Figure 11.10 shows the bending Yucca plant. To animate this tree bending back and forth, just set keys for
the Angle parameter.
Displace modifier
The Displace modifier offers two unique sets of features. It can alter an object’s geometry by displacing
elements using a gizmo, or it can change the object’s surface using a grayscale bitmap image. The Displace
gizmo can have one of four different shapes: Planar, Cylindrical, Spherical, or Shrink Wrap. This gizmo can
be placed exterior to an object or inside an object to push it from the inside.
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