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Chapter 11: Introducing Modifiers and Using the Modifier Stack
You can find roughly these same sets if you click the Configure Modifier Sets button in the Modifier Stack.
Within this list is a single selected set. The selected set is marked with an arrow to the left of its name. The
modifiers contained within the selected set appear at the very top of the Modifier List.
Covering all the modifiers together would result in a very long chapter. Instead, I decided to cover most of the
modifiers in their respective chapters. For example, you can learn about the Mesh Editing modifiers in Chapter
26, “Deforming Surfaces and Using the Mesh Modifiers”; animation modifiers in Chapter 34, “Using Animation
Layers, Modifiers, and Complex Controllers”; the UV Coordinates modifiers in Chapter 32, “Unwrapping UVs
and Mapping Textures”; and so on. This chapter covers the Selection modifiers, Parametric Deformers, and FFD
modifiers. n
Object-Space versus World-Space modifiers
If you view the modifiers listed in the Modifier List, they are divided into two categories: Object-Space and
World-Space modifiers (except for the selected set of modifiers that appear at the very top for quick access).
Object-Space modifiers are more numerous than World-Space modifiers. For most World-Space modifiers,
there is also an Object-Space version. World-Space modifiers are all identified with the abbreviation WSM,
which appears next to the modifier’s name.
Object-Space modifiers are modifiers that are applied to individual objects and that use the object’s Local
Coordinate System, so as the object is moved, the modifier goes with it.
World-Space modifiers are based on World-Space coordinates instead of on an object’s Local Coordinate
System, so after a World-Space modifier is applied, it stays put, no matter where the object with which it is
associated moves.
Another key difference is that World-Space modifiers appear above all Object-Space modifiers in the
Modifier Stack, so they affect the object only after all the other modifiers are applied.
All Space Warps are also applied using World-Space coordinates, so they also have the WSM letters next to their
name. You can get more information on Space Warps in Chapter 42, “Using Space Warps.” n
Selection modifiers
The first modifiers available in the Modifiers menu are the Selection modifiers. You can use these modifiers
to select subobjects for the various object types. You can then apply other modifiers to these subobject
selections. Any modifiers that appear above a Selection modifier in the Modifier Stack are applied to the
subobject selection.
Selection modifiers are available for every modeling type, including Mesh Select, Poly Select, Patch Select,
Spline Select, Volume Select, FFD Select, and Select by Channel. There is also a Surface Select in the
NURBS Editing category. You can apply the Mesh Select, Poly Select, Patch Select, and Volume Select modi-
fiers to any 3D object, but you can apply the Spline Select modifier only to spline and shape objects, the
FFD Select modifier only to the FFD Space Warps objects, and the NURBS Surface Select modifier (found
in the NURBS Editing submenu) only to NURBS objects. Any modifiers that appear above one of these
Selection modifiers in the Modifier Stack are applied only to the selected subobjects.
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