Page 336 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 336
Part III: Modeling Basics
Parametric Deformer modifiers
Perhaps the most representative group of modifiers are the Parametric Deformers. These modifiers affect the
geometry of objects by pulling, pushing, and stretching them. They all can be applied to any of the model-
ing types, including primitive objects.
In the upcoming examples, you might start to get sick of seeing the hammer model used over and over, but using
the same model enables you to more easily compare the effects of the various modifiers, and it’s more interesting
to look at than a simple box. n
Affect Region modifier
The Affect Region modifier can cause a local surface region to bubble up or be indented. Affect Region
parameters include Falloff, Pinch, and Bubble values. The Falloff value sets the size of the affected area. The
Pinch value makes the region tall and thin, and the Bubble value rounds the affected region. You also can
select the Ignore Back Facing option. Figure 11.8 shows the Affect Region modifier applied to a Quad Patch
with a Falloff value of 80 on the left and with a Bubble value of 1.0 on the right. The height and direction of
the region are determined by the position of the modifier gizmo, which is a line connected by two points.
The Affect Region modifier accomplishes the same effect as the Soft Selection feature, but Affect Region applies
the effect as a modifier, making it easier to discard. n
The Affect Region modifier can raise or lower the surface region of an object.
Bend modifier
The Bend modifier can bend an object along any axis. Bend parameters include the Bend Angle and
Direction, Bend Axis, and Limits. The Bend Angle defines the bend in the vertical direction, and the
Direction value defines the bend in the horizontal direction.
Limit settings are the boundaries beyond which the modifier has no effect. You can set Upper and Lower
Limits relative to the object’s center, which is placed at the object’s pivot point. Limits are useful if you want
the modifier applied to only one half of the object. The Upper and Lower Limits are visible as a simple plane
on the modifier gizmo. For example, if you want to bend a tall cylinder object and have the top half remain
straight, you can simply set an Upper Limit for the cylinder at the location where you want it to stay linear.
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