Page 334 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 334
Part III: Modeling Basics
Each of the Selection modifiers is covered for the various modeling types in its respective chapter. For example, to
learn about the Patch Select modifier, see Bonus Chapter 3 on the DVD, “Working with NURBS.” n
When a Selection modifier is applied to an object, the transform buttons on the main toolbar become inac-
tive. If you want to transform the subobject selection, you can do so with the XForm modifier.
Volume Select modifier
Among the Selection modifiers, the Volume Select modifier is unique. It selects subobjects based on the
area defined by the modifier’s gizmo. The Volume Select modifier selects all subobjects within the volume
from a single object or from multiple objects. One of the benefits of using this modifier is that the subob-
jects within the volume can change as the object is moved during an animation sequence. It also can work
with several objects at once.
In the Parameters rollout for the Volume Select modifier, you can specify whether subobjects selected
within a given volume should be Object, Vertex, or Face subobjects. Any new selection can Replace, be
Added to, or be Subtracted from the current selection. You can use the Invert option to select the subob-
jects outside of the current volume. You can also choose either a Window or Crossing Selection Type.
The actual shape of the gizmo can be a Box, Sphere, Cylinder, or Mesh Object. To use a Mesh Object, click
the button beneath the Mesh Object option and then click the object to use in a viewport. In addition to
selecting by a gizmo-defined volume, you can also select subobjects based on certain surface characteristics,
such as Material IDs, Smoothing Groups, or a Texture Map including Mapping Channel or Vertex Color.
This makes it possible to quickly select all vertices that have a Vertex Color assigned to them.
The Alignment options can Fit or Center the gizmo on the current subobject selection. The Reset button
moves the gizmo to its original position and orientation, which typically is the bounding box of the object.
The Auto Fit option automatically changes the size and orientation of the gizmo as the object it encom-
passes changes.
The Volume Select modifier also includes a Soft Selection rollout. Soft Selection lets you select adjacent subob-
jects to a lesser extent. The result is a smoother selection over a broader surface area. The Soft Selection options
are explained in Chapter 10, “Accessing Subobjects and Using Modeling Helpers.” n
Tutorial: Applying damage to a car
In this tutorial, you use the Volume Select modifier to select the front corner of a car and then apply Noise
and XForm modifiers to make the corner look like it’s been damaged in a collision.
To use modifiers to make a section of a car appear damaged, follow these steps:
1. Open the Damaged car.max file from the Chap 11 directory on the DVD.
This file includes a car model created by Viewpoint Datalabs.
2. With the front end of the car selected, choose the Modifiers ➪ Selection Modifiers ➪ Volume
Select menu command.
This command applies the Volume Select modifier to the group.
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