Page 330 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 330

Part III: Modeling Basics

                           If the Mesh and Single Object options are selected, you can also select to perform a Boolean operation. The
                           Boolean operations are available if you are collapsing several overlapping objects into one. The options are
                           Union (which combines geometries together), Intersection (which combines only the overlapping geome-
                           tries), and Subtraction (which subtracts one geometry from another).
                    Boolean operations can also be performed using the Boolean compound object. See Chapter 27, “Working with
                    Compound Objects,” for details on this object type. n
                           If multiple objects are selected, then a Boolean Intersection results in only the sections of the objects that
                           are intersected by all objects; if no objects overlap, all objects disappear.
                           If you use the Boolean Subtraction option, you can specify which object is the base object from which the
                           other objects are subtracted. To do so, select that object first and then select the other objects by holding
                           down the Ctrl key and clicking them. Figure 11.5 shows an example of each of the Boolean operations.

                      FIGURE 11.5
                    Using the Collapse utility, you can select the following Boolean operations (shown from left to right): Union,
                    Intersection, and Subtraction.

                           Using gizmo subobjects
                           As you’ve worked with modifiers, you’ve probably noticed the orange wireframe box that surrounds the
                           object in the viewports when you apply the modifier. These boxes are called modifier gizmos, and they pro-
                           vide a visual control for how the modifier changes the geometry. If you want, you can work directly with
                           these gizmos to affect the modifier.
                           Clicking the plus sign to the left of the modifier name reveals any subobjects associated with the modifier.
                           To select the modifier subobjects, simply click the subobject name. The subobject name is highlighted in
                           yellow when selected. Many modifiers create gizmo subobjects. Gizmos have an icon usually in the shape of a
                           box that can be transformed and controlled like regular objects using the transformation buttons on the
                           main toolbar. Another common modifier subobject is Center, which controls the point about which the
                           gizmo is transformed.

                           Tutorial: Squeezing a plastic bottle
                           To get a feel for how the modifier gizmo and its center affect an object, this tutorial applies the Squeeze
                           modifier to a plastic bottle; by moving its center, you can change the shape of the object.


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