Page 327 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 327
Chapter 11: Introducing Modifiers and Using the Modifier Stack
The Modifier Stack changes the text style to identify instances and references.
Referenced modifier applied to two or more objects
Referenced modifier
Instanced modifier
Instanced object
Reference object bar
Disabling and removing modifiers
Clicking the light bulb icon to the left of the modifier name toggles the modifier on and off. The right-click
pop-up menu also offers options to turn the modifier off in the viewport or off for the renderer.
To remove a modifier from the Modifier Stack, just select the modifier and press the Remove Modifier but-
ton below the stack. This button removes the selected modifier only. You can select multiple modifiers at
once by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking individually on the modifiers or by holding down the
Shift key and clicking on the first and last modifiers in a range.
Reordering the Stack
Modifiers are listed in the Modifier Stack with the first applied ones on the bottom and the newest applied
ones on the top. The Stack order is important and can change the appearance of the object. Max applies the
modifiers starting with the lowest one in the Stack first and the topmost modifier last. You can change the
order of the modifiers in the Stack by selecting a modifier and dragging it above or below the other modifi-
ers. You cannot drag it below the object type or above any World-Space modifiers or Space Warp bindings.
Tutorial: Creating a molecular chain
Whether you’re working with DNA splices or creating an animation to show how molecular chains are
formed, you can use the Lattice and Twist modifiers to quickly create a molecular chain. Using these chains
shows how reordering the Modifier Stack can change the outcome.
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