Page 359 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 359

Chapter 12: Drawing and Editing 2D Splines and Shapes

                           Figure 12.4 shows the number 5 drawn with the Line primitive in the Front viewport. The line has been
                           made renderable so that you can see the cross sections. The images from left to right show the line with
                           Steps values of 0, 1, and 3. The fourth image has the Optimize option enabled. Notice that it uses only one
                           segment for the straight edges. The fifth image has the Adaptive option enabled.

                     FIGURE 12.4
                   Using the Interpolation rollout, you can control the number of segments that make up a line.

                           Creation Method and Keyboard Entry rollouts
                           Most shape primitives also include Creation Method and Keyboard Entry rollouts (Text, Section, and Star
                           are the exceptions). The Creation Method rollout offers options for specifying different ways to create the
                           spline by dragging in a viewport, such as from edge to edge or from the center out. Table 12.1 lists the vari-
                           ous creation method options for each of the shapes and each of the extended shapes.

                     TABLE 12.1
                                           Shape Primitive Creation Methods
                     Primitive   Primitive Object   Number of Viewport   Default Creation   Other Creation
                     Object    Name           Clicks to Create    Method              Method
                               Line           2 to Infinite       Corner Initial, Bézier   Smooth, Initial, Corner,
                                                                  Drag                or Smooth Drag
                               Circle         1                   Center              Edge

                               Arc            2                   End-End-Middle      Center-End-End

                               NGon           1                   Center              Edge

                               Text           1                   none                none

                               Section        1                   none                none

                               Rectangle      1                   Edge                Center

                               Ellipse        1                   Edge                Center



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