Page 367 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 367
Chapter 12: Drawing and Editing 2D Splines and Shapes
Tutorial: Drawing a company logo
One of the early uses for 3D graphics was to animate corporate logos, and although Max can still do this
without any problems, it now has capabilities far beyond those available in the early days. The Shape tools
can even be used to design the logo. In this example, you’ll design and create a simple logo using the Shape
tools for the fictitious company named Expeditions South.
To use the Shape tools to design and create a company logo, follow these steps:
1. Create a four-pointed star by clicking the Star button and dragging in the Top view to create a
shape. Change the parameters for this star as follows: Radius1 = 60, Radius2 = 20, and Points = 4.
2. Select and move the star shape to the left side of the viewport.
3. Now click the Text button, and change the font to Impact and the Size to 50. In the Text area,
type Expeditions South and include a line return and several spaces between the two words so
they are offset. Click in the Top viewport to place the text.
4. Use the Select and Move button (W) to reposition the text next to the Star shape.
5. Click the Line button, and create several short highlighting lines around the bottom point of
the star.
The finished logo is now ready to extrude and animate. Figure 12.13 shows the results.
FIGURE 12.13
A company logo created entirely in Max using shapes
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