Page 368 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 368
Part III: Modeling Basics
Tutorial: Viewing the interior of a heart
As an example of the Section primitive, you’ll explore a section of a Heart model. The model was created by
Viewpoint Datalabs and is very realistic—so realistic, in fact, that it could be used to teach medical students
the inner workings of the heart.
To create a spline from the cross section of the heart, follow these steps:
1. Open the Heart section.max file from the Chap 12 directory on the DVD.
This file includes a physical model of a heart created by Viewpoint Datalabs.
2. Select Create ➪ Shapes ➪ Section, and drag a plane in the Front viewport that is large enough to
cover the heart.
This plane is your cross-sectioning plane.
3. Select the Select and Rotate button on the main toolbar (or press the E key), and rotate the cross-
sectioning plane to cross the heart at the desired angle.
4. In the Parameters rollout of the Modify panel, click the Create Shape button and give the new
shape the name Heart Section.
5. From the Select by Name dialog box (opened with the H key), select the section by name, sepa-
rate it from the model, and reposition it to be visible.
Figure 12.14 shows the resulting model and section.
FIGURE 12.14
You can use the Section shape to view the interior area of the heart.
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