Page 389 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 389
Chapter 12: Drawing and Editing 2D Splines and Shapes
Spline modifier isn’t really a modifier, but an Object type. It shows up in the Modifier Stack above the base
object. The key benefit of the Edit Spline modifier is that it enables you to edit spline subobjects while
maintaining the parametric nature of the primitive object.
Spline Select modifier
This modifier enables you to select spline subobjects, including Vertex, Segment, and Spline. You can copy
and paste named selection sets. The selection can then be passed up the Stack to the next modifier. The
Spline Select modifier provides a way to apply a modifier to a subobject selection.
The Modifiers ➪ Selection Modifiers ➪ Spline Select modifier lets you select objects from any of the subob-
ject modes available in the Editable Spline object. It also includes buttons for selecting subobjects based on
the other subobject modes. For example, if you select Vertex subobject mode, then two buttons available in
the Select Vertex rollout are Get Segment Selection and Get Spline Selection. Clicking either of these but-
tons gets all the vertices that are part of the other subobject mode.
You can also Copy and Paste selection sets using the Copy and Paste buttons.
Delete Spline modifier
You can use the Delete Spline modifier to delete spline subobjects. This is helpful if you want to remove a
spline from an object so it doesn’t render without destroying the curvature of the other splines in the object.
To do this, simply select the splines to remove from the object in Spline subobject mode and then apply the
Delete Spline modifier. The selection will be passed up the stack.
Normalize Spline modifier
The Normalize Spline modifier adds new points to the spline. These points are spaced regularly based on
the Segment Length value. Figure 12.35 shows a simple flower shape with the Spline Select modifier
applied so you can see the vertices. The Normalize Spline modifier was then applied with Segment Length
values of 1, 5, 10, and 15. Notice that the shape is changing with fewer vertices.
FIGURE 12.35
The Normalize Spline modifier relaxes the shape by removing vertices.
Fillet/Chamfer modifier
You can use the Fillet/Chamfer modifier to Fillet or Chamfer the corners of shapes. Fillet creates smooth
corners, and Chamfer adds another segment where two edges meet. Parameters include the Fillet Radius
and the Chamfer Distance. Both include an Apply button. The results of this modifier are the same as if you
were to use the Fillet or Chamfer features of an Editable Spline.
Renderable Spline modifier
The Renderable Spline modifier lets you make any selected spline renderable. The Parameters rollout includes
the same controls that are available for Editable Splines including Thickness, Sides, and Angle values.
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