Page 6 - NGO (No.4)
P. 6
WHAT IS BREAST CANCER The breast structure is made of multiple glandular
Breast health is today a vital elements which are cushioned by a layer of fat in
front and behind the breast glands; significantly it
part of the total physical and is the amount of fat that determines the size and
shape of the breast. The proportion of glandular
emotional well being of any tissue is higher in the young when the primary
woman, young and old alike. hormone estrogen is active and decreases in
older women following menopause, therefore the
Learning and trying tounder- proportion of fat tends to be higher in the elder-
stand the physical aspects, ly. Breast tissue is made up of milk glands and
support tissue, the milk glands consisting of milk
skin care and the presence or sacs where milk is made, and ducts which take
the milk to the nipple. These glands are divided
absence of breast lesion are into about twenty segments.
important parts of breast care. In the breast and armpit there
UNDERSTANDING THE ANATOMY: are multiple lymph glands or nodes,
Every breast, regardless of size and shape, which are connected by a system of
will have a nipple surrounded by a disc-shaped lymphatic ducts. These glands filter
area known as the areola, which is darker than and clear lymph fluid, which drains the
the skin surrounding it. The size and shape of a back from the breast and arm,
mature woman’s breasts vary greatly among in-
dividuals and can even vary in individual women, and therefore help to fight infection
particularly during pregnancy and lactation and at and cancer.
various times in each woman’s menstrual cycle.
Your breasts do not stay the same throughout
There are also some common but entirely normal your adult life. Your monthly period, pregnancy,
variations of the breast i.e. hairs on the nipple, age and weight changes can all alter their shape.
inverted nipple (they are a concern only if the in- Some women find that their breasts feel more
version is sudden, which may indicate breast can- tender and “lumpy” before their period. This
cer), asymmetry (usually the asymmetry between tenderness and “lumpiness” disappear after their
the right and left breast is of no concern) and period. This is quite normal.
large breasts (as a result of excessive develop-
ment at puberty, occasionally needing counseling Some changes in the breasts may be warning
and the possibilities of surgical breast reduction). signs of breast cancer. If you should notice any
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