Page 8 - NGO (No.4)
P. 8
he calls on Governments, health practitioners
and the general public to take urgent action i.e.
changing lifestyles and regular cancer screening.
It is a consensus that one-third of cancers are
preventable, one-third is curable when detected
early whilst providing good palliative care to the
remaining third that needs it’.
Breast Cancer is currently the most frequent
cancer and the most frequent cause of cancer-in-
duced deaths in women in the USA, Europe and
in most Asian countries, including Malaysia. De-
mographics trends indicate a continuing increase
in this substantial public health problem.System-
atic early detection through screening, effective
diagnostic pathways and optimal treatment have
the ability to substantially lower current breast
learn and educate the masses, but we can’t pre- cancer mortality rates and reduce the burden
vent all cancers because we know not all causes of this disease in the population. The treatment
of cancer. It is better to identify breast cancer at of breast cancer is seen as a medical success
the age of, say 47, when it is small and can be story whereby 30 years ago just half the women
treated properly rather than it being identified at diagnosed survived beyond five years, but now
50 when it may well be too late or the treatment that number, as reported by the American Cancer
will be far more expensive and more rigorous for Society, has risen from 78% in 1985 to 88% in
the woman concerned. “You cannot hope to build 2000 and newer treatments are sure to push this
a better world without improving individuals. We survival figure higher.
all must work for our own improvement and at the
same time share a general responsibility for all Breast Cancer is currently the
humanity.” Madam Marie Curie”. most frequent cancer and the most
frequent cause of cancer-induced
BREAST CANCER MAMMOGRAPHIC deaths in women in the USA, Europe
In the year 2000, WHO reports indicated that and in most Asian countries,
12% of the 56 million deaths worldwide were including Malaysia.
attributed to malignant tumors and in many coun-
tries, more than a quarter of deaths are due to While fear of finding breast cancer is a motivating
various cancers. There were 5.2 million men and factor for many not obtaining a mammogram, in
4.7 million women who were diagnosed of various fact more than half the time breast cancers found
cancers in the same year and 6.2 million died of via mammography is found at an early and signif-
the disease. icantly more treatable stages. Early detection of
this disease, when the tumor is still small, results
Various indicators highlight that the global can- in more conservative treatment and requires less
cer rates could increase by 50%, i.e. 15 million invasive procedures. Breast self-examination
new cases in the year 2020. According to Dr. (BSE) alone may not reduce a woman’s chance
Paul Kleihues, Director of International Agency of detecting breast cancer; it is part of practicing
for Research on Cancer (IARC) and co-author good breast health and helps women become
of the World Cancer Report, ‘cancer rates are familiar with their bodies. Women 20 and older
set to increase at an alarming rate globally, and should practice monthly breast self-examination
and report any unusual changes in their breasts