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               to their healthcare provider. 80% of new cancers,
               though not necessarily small, are detected by
               women doing regular BSE.
               While there has been debate in recent years on
               when to begin receiving screening mammograms
               and how often to have them, many organizations
               and health care professionals - including the
               American College of Radiology, the American
               Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute,
               and numerous national women’s groups - recom-
               mend that women begin mammography screen-
               ing by the age of 40, or as suggested by their
               physician. These groups also recommend clinical
               breast examinations by a health care professional   INFO PINK RIBBON
               every three years between the ages of 20 and 40,
               and every year for women 40 and over. Mammo-
               grams aren’t perfect, detecting only 85% of breast   FULL NAME
               cancers, but they’re still the best tool we have   Pink Ribbon Wellness (L) Foundation
               for detecting breast cancer in its early and most
               curable and treatable stages.                    REGISTRATION NO.
                    Breast health is today a vital part of      DATE OF REGISTRATION
               the total physical and emotional well being of   28 February 2012
                 any woman, young and old alike. Learning
                 and trying to understand the physical as-      PATRON
                          pects, skin care and the              Puan Se\ri Maniseh Adam
                   presence or absence of breast lesion         FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN
                     are important parts of breast care.        Datuk Dr. M. Devanand
               It is apparent that not all-eligible women in Ma-  FOUNDER & HONORARY CEO
               laysia are having mammography screening and      Ms Yong Lee Lee
               this is particularly true of older women (who are   SUPERVISORY PERSON
               generally at a higher risk for breast cancer), the   1. Encik Megat Abdul Munir
               uneducated and underprivileged women, and        2. Mr Allan Chan
               those who live in rural areas. The goal of most
               programs is to screen 70% of the target popu-    COUNCIL MEMBER
               lation; goals aren’t set higher because of prob-  1. Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim A. Wahid
               lems related to geography and resources. The     2. Datuk Saleha bte SH Abu Bakar
               data from the College of Radiology of Malaysia   3. Datin Mawanchik Che Jais
               suggest an uptake of only about 3.8% in 2002;    4. Ms Mimi Gian Guek Poh
               however, the recent campaigns may show an        5. Ms Joycelyn See Hong Keok
               increase in the mammograhic rate in the country,   OBJECTIVE
               though not significantly.                        Educating and empowering women on breast
                                                                health care and supporting cancer survivors
               Similarly, learning the facts about breast cancer   towards a better life.
               has been a part of the program. According to
               the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and    ADDRESS
               Development (OECD), 75% of patients diagnosed    3-1, 3rd Floor, Wisma Life Care,
               with breast cancer at Stage 0 are said to have   No.5 Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South,
               close to 100% survival rate, while at Stage 4    59200 Kuala Lumpur.
               the survival rates drop between 20% to 40%. In   CONTACT INFORMATION
               addition, treatment cost is six times more when   Tel.    : (+6012) 2242 3121
               diagnosis is made at Stage 4 than at Stage 0. As   Fax    : (+603)   2242 3122
               such, these statistics clearly show how critically   Email   :
               important it is to have breast cancer detected   URL    :
               earlier, not only due to financial savings but also
               due to greater longevity of women.

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