Page 66 - global peace an islamic perspective
P. 66
Global Peace – An Islamic Perspective ACET– Global Peace Project
Being kind, doing good, being righteous, respecting others, being just, serving humanity,
being united, being humble, showing mercy, and loving all – together these concepts form the
essence of what the Quran teaches, and show that Islam is a religion that promotes tolerance
and compassion toward humanity. These concepts are not just ideas – they are an active way
of life. Islam as a religion is not divisive, but is unifying. It is a religion that seeks to bring about
acceptance between followers of different faiths, and to establish a basis of peace, respect,
freedom, and honour among all people.
Failure to bring forth and focus on the core concepts of Islam has led to misunderstanding
and misuse of this religion. People who use the Quran as an excuse for violence and terror
are proving themselves ignorant and forgetful of what the Islamic religion stands for at its
foundation. It is our hope at ACET–Global that we can remind people that Islam is a religion
that promotes compassion and kindness, not violence and hatred.
In highlighting the inherently peaceful nature of Islam we hope to increase awareness about
the foundations of this religion, and the true meaning of the Quran, in a way that is accessible
to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
We regularly see news articles linking Islam to violent terrorist groups. The extremist actions
of these groups are completely at odds with the core principles of peace found within the
Islamic religion, and are not condoned by the Muslim community. These actions, and their
subsequent news headlines, have a significant impact on the world’s perceptions of Muslims.
People become confused about the meaning of Islam, which generates fear, alienating people
from one another.
Unfortunately, mass media plays a large part in perpetuating the fear and lack of understanding
about Islam. It is our hope that people in media will join our efforts in increasing awareness
about Islam and help prevent the radicalisation of people.
This free publication has been compiled by ACET–Global. Please feel free to use and distribute it as an original version without changes.