Page 62 - global peace an islamic perspective
P. 62

                          Global Peace – An Islamic Perspective     ACET– Global Peace Project

            “Have forgiveness, preach the truth, and keep away from the ignorant ones.” (7:199, Translation

            from the Quran)

            “When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that ye may receive

            Mercy.” (7:204, Translation from the Quran)

            “But ask forgiveness of your Lord, and turn unto Him (in repentance): For my Lord is indeed

            full of mercy and loving-kindness.” (11:90, Translation from the Quran)

            “He said,  “Assuredly I  will ask  my Lord  to forgive  you; He is  the  All-forgiving, the  All-

            compassionate.”” (12:98, Translation from the Quran)

            “To those who commit sins in their ignorance then repent and reform, your Lord is certainly

            All-forgiving and All-merciful.” (16:119, Translation from the Quran)

            “Be humble and merciful towards them (your parents) and say, “Lord, have mercy upon them

            as they cherished me in my childhood.”” (17:24, Translation from the Quran)

            “(Muhammad), We have sent you for no other reason but to be a mercy for mankind.” (21:107,

            Translation from the Quran)

            “The righteously striving believers will receive forgiveness and honourable sustenance.”

            (22:50, Translation from the Quran)

            “And say (O Prophet): “My Lord, grant pardon and have mercy, for you are the best of all the

            merciful.”” (23:118, Translation from the Quran)

            “(Muhammad), tell them, “The One who knows all the secrets of the heavens and the earth

            has revealed it; He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.”” (25:6, Translation from the Quran)

            “And truly, it (this Quran) is a guide and a mercy for the believers.” (27:77, Translation from

            the Quran)

            “It is He who forgives you and His angels pray for you so that He will take you out of darkness

            into light. God is All-merciful to the believers.” (33:43, Translation from the Quran)

            This free publication has been compiled by ACET–Global.  Please feel free to use and distribute it as an original version without changes.

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