Page 67 - global peace an islamic perspective
P. 67

                          Global Peace – An Islamic Perspective     ACET– Global Peace Project

            It is also the responsibility of the Muslim community to become more proactive in ensuring that

            the peaceful values of Islam are better understood. There is an opportunity for Muslim leaders

            and scholars to play an important role in making these core principles of peace within Islam

            more accessible. If people stand together against the actions of extremists, and the media
            is used to communicate a broader understanding of Islam, it will challenge the messages of

            conflict and violence so often associated with this religion.

            Peace is sought by people of all backgrounds, as explored in this book. By changing the

            discussion around Islam from the current predominantly negative one to one of harmony and

            peace, the conversation is opened up to all people, breaking down barriers between Muslims

            and non-Muslims. While leaders, scholars, and global media can help to create this shift,
            individuals all over the globe can also take steps towards achieving a peaceful world. People

            can use resources such as this book to become better informed about Islam and to learn

            about its peaceful messages. This will help people to understand that violence and terrorism
            is not part of, or condoned by, the religion of Islam. Instead, Islam fosters peace and harmony,

            encouraging the forging of friendships and a demonstration of respect for all peaceful religious


            Sharing knowledge and ideas about the peaceful world we want to live in, where people

            support rather than fear one another, is an important starting point for bringing about global


            By engaging in conversations about peace, we can see the similarities between the strong
            messages of peace shared by so many religions. This will help to disprove the claims from

            extremist groups that religion supports their ideas, placing the actions of these groups in stark

            contrast to peaceful, compassionate concepts, like those at the core of Islam.  Recognising that
            terrorist groups need to be identified on the basis of their violent actions, rather than by any

            misguided religious associations they claim, is crucial. We will then be better equipped to work

            together to stop these violent actions.

            In times such as today, when terrorism threatens the lives of thousands of people, it is more

            important than ever that we remember the basic teachings of compassion and kindness that

            exist at the foundations of most religions.

            This free publication has been compiled by ACET–Global.  Please feel free to use and distribute it as an original version without changes.

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