Page 64 - global peace an islamic perspective
P. 64

                          Global Peace – An Islamic Perspective     ACET– Global Peace Project



            “A strong feeling of affection.” (Oxford Dictionary)  [73]

            Love is one of the noblest human traits, and adds meaning to human relationships and

            interactions.  Love towards other human beings is a central value in the teachings of Islamic

            social ideology, which calls upon people to treat others in the way they would like to be
            treated. This ideology is two-fold. The first dimension of this principle is to treat others the

            way in which one would like to be treated. The second dimension is to treat others in a way in

            which one would like to be treated by God.

            “Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “None of you truly believes until he loves for

            his brother what he loves for himself.”” (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)    [74]

            Quranic references:

            “You who believe! Give in charity out of the good things that you earn … and do not aim at

            giving in charity that which is bad, while you would not take it for yourself.” (2:267, Translation

            from the Quran)

            “If you publish your freewill offerings, it is excellent; but if you conceal them, and give them

            to the poor, that is better for you, and will acquit you of your evil deeds; God is aware of the

            things you do.” (2:271, Translation from the Quran)

            “When a (courteous) greeting is offered you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or

            (at least) of equal courtesy. Allah takes careful account of all things.” (4:86, Translation from

            the Quran)

            “(Muhammad), they ask you concerning women. Tell them, God will instruct you about them,
            besides that which can be read in the Book, about widows with children, whom you wanted

            to marry without giving them their due rights and He will instruct you about the rights of the

            weak and oppressed children. God commands you to maintain justice with the orphans. God

            knows all about whatever good you do.” (4:127, Translation from the Quran)

            This free publication has been compiled by ACET–Global.  Please feel free to use and distribute it as an original version without changes.

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