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She points to the CPD recording tools and                           her way up via the support offi  cer role.
               the more than 1000 resource materials in   BLUEPRINT IS VERY          Her next objective  is to achieve Chartered
               IOSH’s Blueprint which help members drive   CLEVER BECAUSE IT         Member status.
               their professional development. Vanessa
                                                       INTRODUCES YOU
               adds that there is an opportunity now for                             CPD activities
               members to record CPD in many diff erent   TO NEW WAYS                Lynne captures a broad range of activities as

               ways, reflecting a much broader skill-set.                             CPD, including in-house training, site visits
                 ‘With the new competencies that are      OF THINKING                and contributing to bi-monthly health and
               out, it’s not just: “You need to do a course.”                        safety meetings, which require her to do data
               It’s: “How have you addressed the CPD                                 analysis and provide a RIDDOR summary.
               requirements in your work?” That is a big   in disseminating learning, especially across   ‘I have a subfolder on my emails and if I’ve

               step forward.’                     different sectors.                 provided recommendations or advice that
                 IOSH members can undertake a wide   ‘A lot of people have listened to the   could be attributed to CPD, I put it in there
               variety of activities that count as CPD.   podcast on Grenfell,’ she says. ‘That is   to go back to at a later date to see if I can use
               Although some may seem obvious, such as   really thought-provoking on how things are   it. It’s good to have the mindset that you are
               reading articles in magazines and books,   managed in the property world, but it also   always looking for CPD,’ she says.
               researching new topics and attending   gives you an insight into risk management,   Lynne likes the guiding nature of Blueprint
               conferences, events and webinars,   and that is universal.’           and uses it regularly to complete her

               others may be less so (see Eight unusual   Lynne Birch, health and safety adviser   reflective statements.
               activities, overleaf).             at Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation   Abbie McCrae CMIOSH, senior health and
             IMAGE: GETTY  and says podcasts can be particularly useful   Trust, is a Certified member who started her   safety consultant at Millennium Support, a

                 Vanessa works in the property industry
                                                                                     social care provider, also values Blueprint’s
                                                  OSH career as an administrator and worked
                                                                                     support in documenting CPD.
                                                                                       ‘It has re-energised me in a way, because
                                                                                     the old route of CPD was complex to navigate

                                                                                     and difficult to complete,’ she says.
                                                                                       ‘I find the choices that Blueprint off ers

                                                                                     really help. If I have an hour spare at the end
                                                                                     of the day, I will watch a YouTube video or
                                                                                     read a paper from the Blueprint choices.’
                                                                                       She adds that Blueprint has helped her
                                                                                     increase her knowledge by highlighting topics
                                                                                     that she wouldn’t otherwise have considered,
                                                                                     such as sustainability.
                                                                                       ‘If you are doing some CPD, you can link
                                                                                     it to specific topics that you have to cover

                                                                                     off,’ she says. ‘It’s very clever because it

                                                                                     introduces you to new ways of thinking.’
                                                                                     Align to personal goals
                                                                                     Rob Bullen CFIOSH, senior environment,
                                                                                     health and safety specialist at HandsHQ, also
                                                                                     sits on the CPD panel, and says it is important
                                                                                     that members align CPD to their personal
                                                                                     goals, so it has purpose. Even though he’s
                                                                                     reached the highest membership grade, he
                                                                                     says maintaining CPD remains as important
                                                                                     as it ever was.
                                                                                       ‘Being a Chartered Fellow, I get
                                                                                     approached by people saying: “Would you like
                                                                                     to do some non-executive director roles?”

                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE 43

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