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I never thought they would be offered to me,   Eight unusual activities

               so I have had a change in mindset,’ he says.
                 ‘It’s opened up opportunities to either   that count as CPD
               side-step in my career or to give back to the
               community and the industry because that     Emergency        develop and progress in   a pipeline of future
               is what being a Fellow is about. To do that,   1 preparedness:  their profession.     OSH professionals.
                                                        writing or researching
               however, I still need the relevant skills,
                                                        for the plan or         Volunteer work:    Hobbies
               knowledge and experience and to be better
                                                        participating in an   4 anything that   6 and interests:
               in those positions; I still have to maintain
                                                        emergency exercise.  enhances OSH practice,   recreational shooting,
               my own CPD.’
                                                                            such as training to be a   home improvements
                 Abbie writes Millennium Support’s         Audits, inspections,   first aider, participating   and flying small aircraft

               policies and procedures. One of the ways   2 site tours: activities   in a fire and rescue   all require research.

               she writes her reflective statement after   that demonstrate you’ve   evacuation, running a

               completing a CPD activity is to think about   learned something new   book club or speaking   Travel or
               how she can apply what she has learned.   or have updated    about OSH in schools. 7 working abroad:
               This can be to amend processes or the way   previous knowledge.                  experiencing diff erent
               the organisation works with the people                          Mentoring        safety cultures and
                                                           Wider learning:   5 non-OSH          reflecting on good

                it supports.
                                                        3 delivering or     professionals: this   practice in diff erent
                 Abbie has her sights set on becoming
                                                        contributing to training,   raises risk management   parts of the world
               a Chartered Fellow and has applied to
                                                        presentations and   awareness, helps to   is invaluable.
               be a mentor through the IOSH scheme,
                                                        materials, such as   promote a positive OSH
               in part because she wants to encourage   guidance or standards   culture, and has the   Undertaking food
               more female OSH professionals to achieve   that help others to   potential to cultivate  8 hygiene training.
               Chartered membership. Mentoring others
               is an important CPD activity that can
               get overlooked.
                 Zuzanna Bradley CMIOSH, head of
               health, safety and wellbeing at Quarries,
               says one of the most important ways she
               approaches CPD, and her own personal   Positive                                    ‘If you had to do it
               development, is through mentoring and   reflection                                 again, are you going to

               providing leadership.              For Zuzanna, a good                            make the same mistake

                 ‘I am really involved in improving   reflective statement                       or have you really learned
               organisational culture and wellbeing,   should focus on what                    and grown from the
               promoting positive behaviours and   the activity is and                        experience and won’t make
               improving individuals’ health from the   why they did it, what the           that mistake again?’
               perspective of employers,’ she says.  person learned and how they           Rob concludes that CPD is a great
                 Although she’s in the earlier stages of   will use the new knowledge gained.  conversational tool to learn from OSH
               membership, Lynne also acts as a mentor –   ‘I also focus on the strengths I have   and other professions, because CPD can
               helping a colleague in her old support offi  cer   demonstrated and what my weaknesses   be framed to fit different audiences.

               role – and includes this experience in her   were,’ she adds. ‘In addition, I include how   ‘I am very passionate about my

               reflective statement.               I rectified any issues or faults that I have   volunteering roles and, as a non-

                 ‘It’s good if we can invest in our own,   found in myself.’         executive board member of a pre-school,
               and IOSH has enabled me to do that and   Rob says this is a really important   I communicate safety messages,’ he says.

               continue. I am working downwards and   element in the reflective statement, as is   ‘Trying to get people on board with

               working upwards,’ she says.        what the member would do differently if   safety awareness, I have had to rely
                 ‘I’ve grown within the profession and in   they had to do the activity again.  on the growth of my CPD to use those
               my role. It’s empowering because you can   ‘By asking “what” in the open question, it   transferable soft skills to convey the
               see your own development; it’s self-led, but   really makes their mind switch open to that   right message in the right way to a   IMAGE: SHUTTERSTOCK

               you have markers from IOSH to achieve.’   reflective philosophy,’ he explains.  different audience.’

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