Page 49 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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And here’s what they told us…

                          77%                                87%                        Top 3 IOSH

                          say IOSH puts                      say IOSH
                          people at the heart                prioritises                benefits
                          of sustainability                  OSH standards
                                                             around the world                 online webinars/
                                                                                          1   meetings (73%)

                          72%                                73%                          2   IOSH magazine and
                          kept up to date                    say managing                     (71%)
                          with IOSH via                      workplace mental
                          email in last 12                   health and                   3   Online CPD
                          months                             wellbeing should                 record (70%)
                                                             be part of
                                                             the OSH role

                 “  IOSH membership is your                                             91%

                    ticket to the dance; it’s a                                         say IOSH builds
                                                                                        excellence in
                    straightforward way of                                              OSH profession

                    showing competence”

                                                                                        say credibility/
                                                                                        prestige of
                                                                                        IOSH membership
                                                                                        adds value to
                                                                                        their career

                            61%                                 30%

                            say OSH role                            say it’s            74%
                            is highly                            somewhat               think IOSH
                            valued in their                 valued in their             offers good
                            organisation                                                value for

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