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The project

                     With a background in   ‘WAST’s health and   psychological aspect of   programme was risk perception – I wanted

                     health and safety with   safety department   OSH,’ she explains.  that to be the significant factor in the areas
                     steel giant Tata, Nicola   was fairly traditional   ‘People coming in with   that we were looking to address.
                     was working at Public   in operational nature   fresh eyes will always see   ‘One of the ways that we are doing this
                     Health Wales when she   and perhaps lacked a   things that maybe others   is a behavioural safety programme that
                     was seconded to WAST   strong systems approach   who have been in an   brings in human factors and incorporates
                     in March 2020. Although   that integrated into the   organisation for many years   those into risk assessment templates, safe
                     Nicola’s initial role was   fabric of the operational   might not see. In my case,   operative procedures, and more recently we
                     to help manage the   environment and     the 25 years I worked at   have started to build that into our incident
                     challenges posed by   clinical nature of the   Tata coincided with Tata’s   investigations to give us a proper root cause.’
                     COVID-19, she was soon   organisation. I wanted   own cultural improvement   Before moving forward with the
                     asked to put together a   to bring in a Working   journey, so I was able to   programme in its entirety, in October 2021,
                     proposal for identifying   Safely programme that   adapt and implement a lot   Nicola ran a 12-month ‘pump prime’ phase
                                                                                     overseen by her Working Safely programme
                                          integrated that governance  of the learnings from Tata
                     potential improvements
              PHOTOGRAPHY: PATRICK OLNER   within the trust.   and also brought in the   with WAST.’  manager Graham Stockford to get things out
                                                                                     of the starting blocks.
                                                                                       ‘We seconded some frontline operational
                                                                                     staff from the trust to help with this pump

                                                                                     prime phase. It recognised that while bringing
                                                                                     in OSH professionals would get us so far, it
                                                  Objectives                         was deep understanding of the work as done
                                                  ‘The objective of the programme is to   by operational colleagues that would allow us
                                                  improve working lives, making it safer for   to move forward and improve,’ says Nicola.
                                                  our staff and volunteers, but also to have a   ‘A deep history and culture within the

                                                  positive impact on our patients,’ Nicola says.  health sector and ambulance setting has

                                                    ‘The programme has two aims: firstly to   woven in attitudes and values across the
                                                  bring about a cultural shift in health and   workforce towards safety; by working closely
                                                  safety within the organisation, and secondly   with operational colleagues, we quickly
                                                  to further improve our grip and assurance   learnt the aspects we would want to retain
                                                  systems that ensure compliance. You can put   and celebrate, and other things we need
                                                  all the policies and procedures in place, but   to improve.’
                                                  culture will still eat process for breakfast, so   During pump prime, there was also a

                                                  this is about getting staff to realise why we   transformation board to monitor progress.
                                                  need them to operate or perform their duties   Reporting to the board was a delivery group
                                                  in certain ways.                   of trade unions, health and safety staff and

                                                    ‘It is also about really listening to our   operations colleagues, along with experts in
                                                  people, many of whom perform their duties   occupational health and infection prevention
                                                  in urgent and emergency situations, to ensure   and control. It was a two-tier approach that
                                                  the safety interventions we make are truly   allowed both top-down and bottom-up input
                                                  workable and proportionate.’       and oversight of progress.
                                                    Nicola based key facets of the Working   ‘The Working Safely ethos has now
                                                  Safely programme on aspects learned   migrated into business as usual,’ Nicola
                                                  during her master’s degree: leadership   explains. ‘Where we identify things
                                                  accountability and culture, competency,   to improve, we absorb this into the
                                                  safety systems, communication subcultures,   organisation’s integrated medium-term plan,
                                                  and measuring performance while also   an annual deliverable plan, which means its
                                                  adding service delivery.           performance has to be reported to the board
                                                    ‘However, the thing that I wanted to make   at regular intervals and its objectives are
                                                  key within the scope of the Working Safely   reviewed on a yearly basis.

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